Depression Facts
- Even positive events like getting married, graduating, or starting a new job can lead you towards depression.
- Nearly 32% of people with substance abuse problems also suffering from depression.
- There are double chances of depression in women as per compare to men. Women might be at higher risk for depression due in part to the estrogen, which may alter their activity of the neurotransmitters, which contribute to depression.
- At some point in their lives, around one in four of the Americans will experience depression.
- Men typically experience the depression differently from women and use different sources to cope. For example, you can say, women may feel hopeless on the other sidemen may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, and men may become socially withdrawn or abusive or become violent.
- Researchers and studies have found recently that those who are suffering from depression are at high risk for low bone mineral density. And, on the other side, depressed women are especially at risk for developing osteoporosis.
Important Depression Facts
- More than 21 million people in the United States are suffering from depression
- In the established market economies like the United States, depression is the leading form of mental illness from which people are suffering.
- As many as 14% of people who are suffering from some form of depression take their lives every year.
- According to the research done by the National Institute of Health (NIH), more than 5% of children are suffering from depression, and 4.5% of them are having symptoms of major depression.
- Self-mutilation (burning or cutting) is one of how individuals show how much they are depressed.
- Because the brains of older peoples are more defenseless to chemical abnormalities, that’s why they are more likely to suffer from depression than young people.
- During the Middle Ages, mentally ill or depressed people were seen to be under the influence of other evil spirits or the devil.
- The 1st mental asylum in the United States was opened in the year 1773 in Williamsburg, Virginia.
- Freud, who revolutionized the practice of the psychiatry with his theories of the unconscious, theorize that depression comes from anger which turned against oneself.
- Approximately 82% of the sufferers of depression are not receiving treatment.
- Depression is the weakness to construct a future.
- Recent research and reports suggest that depression can shorten the lives of people with cancer by years.
- Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, affects nearly 6-7 million American adults in a given year.
- Researchers and scientists have found a direct relationship between the depression and the thickening of the lining of the carotid artery in women, which is a significant risk factor for stroke.
- The high percentage rate of home foreclosures has plunged many homeowners into depression. Researchers and scientists suggest that the foreclosure crisis is, consequently, called a health crisis.
- When children have both depression and asthma, their asthma generally is worse than that of the asthmatic children who are not depressed.
- The average video game player is typically a 35-year-old male who is most likely depressed, introverted, and overweight.
- Once men hit their midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease in the testosterone.

Random Depression Facts
- Depression may provoke inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Patients of depression may experience more cognitive impairment on less sunny days rather than on sunny days.
- A depressed lady is more likely to give birth early, increasing the health risks for both the woman and the baby between 14% and 23% of pregnant women experiencing some depressive disorder.
- Eating seafood which is rich in Omega-3 may help pregnant women with depression.
- Recent Dutch research suggests that depressed fathers are twice as likely to have an infant who cries extremely than fathers who are not depressed.
- Postpartum depression affects about 10 percent of new mothers, as per the National Women Health Information.
- 58% percent of the caregivers for elderly relatives experience symptoms of depression.
Mind-blowing Depression Facts
- Feelings of depression in overweight children can start as early in kindergarten.
- Overweight kids feel more lonely and anxious than the other normal-weight kids as early in kindergarten. Both girls and boys who felt depressed in the kindergarten got worse over time to time.
- Perimenopause (menopause transition) and the resulting fluctuating and reducing the hormone levels, which can trigger depression.
- Long-term use of marijuana (drugs/alcohol/smoking) leads to changes in dopamine production in the person and has been implicated in the onset of depressive symptoms.
- Mental Health America reports that over 5.4 million adults in the U.S suffering from manic depression or bipolar disorder in a given year. This illness turns to run in families.
- People with the depression are five times more likely to have a breathing-related, sleeping disorder than those who are non-depressed.
- A growl storm in the brain, dreadful, pouncing seizures of anxiety, which is a kind of numbness, an odd fragility an enervation, ?as if my body had become hypersensitive, frail, and somehow clumsy and disjointed.
- Some author has described their depression in terms like a bell jar, which is a glass dome which is placed over fragile items for their protection. Their symbol catches the horrible sense of feeling both suffocated and disconnected; they can’t join with other peoples, and other peoples can’t reach them.
- A kind of depression called hospitalism (anaclitic depression) which can be seen in the institutions where kids did not receive enough emotional care. These kids become withdrawn and apathetic, even though they may be cared for physically.

Sad Depression Facts
- Children without adequate nurturing can suffer from the severe depression
- Patients with depression may develop the agoraphobia or a fear of going out in public.
- The earliest medical description of the depression dates back to Hippocrates, the Greek ?father of the medicine, who associate depression, or melancholy, to an imbalance of our bodies for humors. The theory was that too much black bile created a melancholic temperament scholia (bile) and literally melanin (black). To overcome the depression, Hippocrates recommended are balancing our body systems using relaxation and healthy living strategies, also the blood-letting and leeches.
- The World Health Organization believes that the depression will be the second-highest medical cause of our disability by the year 2030, second after to HIV/AIDS.
- The lifetime risk of the developing depression in those born in the decades after WWII is increasing. The age of the depression onset is becoming increasingly younger. Today the average %age for the beginning of depression fluctuates between 24 years to 35 years of age, with an average age of 27.
- Many of the creative individuals have experienced depression, including Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Peter Tchaikovsky, Georgia O. Keefe, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Vincent van Gogh, and Sylvia Plath.
- On common ground, depression ranks 4th overall as a cause of disability and early death as per the Global Burden of Disease Study. (Depression Facts)
- Depression generally presents itself in four ways: physical changes, mood changes, behavioral changes, and cognitive (memory and thought process) changes.
- Long-term use of some of the prescription medications may cause depressive symptoms like the anti-inflammatory Interferon (Avonex, Rebetron), corticosteroids (Deltasone, Orasone), stimulants (e.g., diet pills), bronchodilators (Slo-phyllite, Theo-Dur), acne medications (Accutane), sleeping and anti-anxiety pills (Valium, Librium), some of them are blood pressure and heart medications, anticancer drugs (tamoxifen), and oral contraceptives.
- Some diseases are associated with depression-like cancer, Alzheimer’s, thyroid problems, heart disease, stroke, obstructive sleep apnea, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic pain.
- Researchers and studies have found that the most disabling and troubling factor among Parkinson’s patients was depression rather than the physical restriction caused by the disease or the effects of the medicine.
- Depression is the most common problem among all of those with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervous, and a blind eating disorder. (depression facts)
- The total cost of the depression in the United States is estimated to be around $44 billion, from which $12 billion indirect costs of the treatment, $8 billion is on the premature death, and $24 billion in reduced productivity at work and absenteeism. This money does not include out-of-pocket family expenses, untreated depression, costs of a minor, excessive hospitalization, diagnostic tests, and general medical services.
- Depressed individuals have two times higher overall mortality risk than the general population due to direct (for example, suicide) and indirect (for example, medical illness) causes.
- The elderly who suffer from brain tissue damage due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes are more likely to develop depression. Maintaining a exercising regulatory, healthy weight, and getting appropriate and timely medical care reduces their risk of developing depression in older age.
- Depressed people get cough and colds more recurrently than non-depressed people.
- Types of depression include major depression, adjustment disorders, dysthymia, and bipolar disorders. Within each of these main categories are various subtypes diseases.
- Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a term for the depressive periods which are related to a change of season. SAD is four times more common in women rather than in men. (depression facts)
- Depression may develop in as many as 1 in 34 children and 1 in 9 teenagers in the United States. Once a teenage or child has an experience of depression, he or she has a higher than 50% chance of experiencing another chapter of depression in the next five years.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.