125 The Great Depression Facts


Definition and Summary of the Great Depression – The Great Depression was started in the year 1929 sparked by the Wall Street Crash. The economic crisis leads to bank closures, homelessness, mass unemployment, hunger, and the despair and the sadness of American people. The terrible drought in the year 1932 lead to dust storms which ravaged the land in the prairies states of the America brought unbelievable hardship to even more of the people. (The Great Depression Facts)

Soup Kitchens and Bread Lines were the only forms of the sustenance for the hungry peoples. People those joined Hunger Marches and the Bonus Army March by the WW1 veterans resulted in the debacle in the Washington.

Shantytowns were called ‘Hoovervilles’ sprang up across the country, the only refuge site for the homeless. Unemployed men, hobos, traveled the railways to the different locations desperately searching for the work.

One of the worst years of the Great Depression was the year 1932-1933, during the presidency of the Herbert Hoover who was blamed for this crisis. Things starts slowly improved under the presidency of Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The economic output in the America surged, and unemployment fell as the United States entered in WW2. The confusion of the Great Depression was replaced by the destruction of the World War Two.

How long did the Great Depression last?

1929-1945: Depression & World War 2

United States American History – President Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of United States who served in the office from March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933. One of the important events during his presidency was the beginning of this period in the United States history which is known as the Great Depression.

Click Here To Read: What Ended The Great Depression

The Great Depression Facts

When did the Great Depression Start?

The Great Depression was started with the Wall Street Crash which takes place on October 29, 1929 (which is known as Black Tuesday).

When did the Great Depression end?

The Great Depression remain for ten long years and ended in year 1939 as WW2 broke out. 1933 was the worst year of the Great Depression.

What was the Rate of Unemployment during the Great Depression?

The Rate of Unemployment during the Great Depression in 1933 was 25%. Over 13 million people were unemployed at that time, with over 13,000 people being made unemployed daily at the height of the Great Depression year.

What Caused the Great Depression?

The Great Depression was caused by so many different factors which includes false sense of prosperity in the America, in the year 1929 Stock Market Crash, lack of credit, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, American economic policy, reduction in purchasing, and failures by the Federal Reserve, drought conditions, loss of exports, and the Dust Bowl.

The below-written fact sheet contains the exciting facts and information on The Great Depression and what happened to the people of America during this devastating period in the history of America.

Interesting facts about the great depression

The Great Depression Facts 1: The Roaring Twenties had been an astonishing period in America with technical innovations, new inventions, and changing lifestyles.

The feeling of the invincibility and exuberance disappeared almost overnight triggered by the year 1929 Wall Street Crash and economic collapse in the U.S.

The Great Depression Facts 2: The Great Depression was timely named reflecting both of the prolonged and severe recession in the United States of America?s economy and the feelings of the grief and despair experienced by the people of America.?

The Great Depression Facts 3: The Great Depression starts with the Wall Street Crash in the month of October 1929. Just six months before the March 4, 1929, when Republican President Herbert Hoover, riding on a wave of the optimism, had been introduced as the President of the United States of America.

The Great Depression Facts 4: His sense of the optimism has shared by so many Americans before the economic crises, was transmit in one of his campaign speeches on the potential of the United States of America towards ever the higher economic prosperity.

“We in United States today are closer to the final triumph over the poverty than ever before in the history in any place of the earth.

We shall soon, with the help of the God, be in witness of the day when poverty will be isolated from this nation.”

The Great Depression Facts 5: During the euphoria of the Roaring 20?s many of the once ?prudent and thrifty” American public accept the modern philosophy of “Live now and pay later” and bought so many expensive products, like vehicles, on easy loan terms.

The Great Depression Facts 6: Ordinary, Middle-Class peoples of America had invested their money in the Stock Market. By the year 1929, nearly 4 million of Americans (about 10% of US households) had invested in the US stock market ” Buying on the Margin” meaning that they were buying the shares with loans.

The Great Depression Facts 7: The levels of the debt affected the ability of many of the Americans to survive the holdings of the Great Depression. The number of suicides was jumped to an alarming of 18.9 per 100,000 in 1929, the year of the Wall Street crashes.

The Great Depression Facts 8: There was an uneven distribution of the income in American peoples. Lower class, poor peoples of America were in the majority (of around 60%) -and these people were suffering a lot even before the Great Depression and had a limited spendable income.

The Great Depression Facts 9: Those American peoples who had money and remained “prudent and thrifty” were also suffered. They had settled their money in the banks for safekeeping. Many were the small banks who had also blindly invested in the stock market and borrowed money to the stock market investors.

The Great Depression Facts 10: The federal government did not ensure the bank deposits. If any bank collapsed, then its customers lost all their money which were saved in the banks. During the year 1929-1931 over 3000 of the banks went bankrupt – over 10% of the nation’s total cash and more followed as the Great Depression excavate.

Click Here To Read: What Causes Depression

The Great Depression Facts 11: People who save their money in the bank were desperate to get their money out of weak banks which forced to a series of the banking panics, and it is called Bank Runs. There were infinite Bank runs at the same period of the time which push to financial crisis, and this starts a chain of bankruptcy.

The Great Depression Facts 12: There were Rumors circulate that a bank was about to crash. People rush to withdraw their money from their banks. As a bank run progressed, it generated its power in a kind of self-fulfilling revelation. As people start withdraw their money, even more, people who saved their cash made withdrawals from the bank. The bank would run out of the money and become bankrupt.?

The Great Depression Facts 13: On Monday 25th October 1929, as the stock market was going into dive, US President Hoover tried to calm the fears of the American public and made the following statement:

“The fundamental business of our country, that is, production and distribution of the commodities is on a sound and robust basis.”?

The Great Depression Facts 14: Four days afterward, the stock market collapsed, and the Great Depression followed. The reliability of the president was declined. At the moment when strong leadership was requisite to Americans, trust in the president was at an all time low and Herbert Hoover bore enough of the criticism for the Great Depression in the tends of the American people. His prestige was damaged even further as he dropped to recognize the harshness of the condition, was known as unresponsive and failed to take adequate measures to focus on the problems.

The Great Depression Facts 15: What went on the Hoover Administration and the Federal Government do? The steps taken by President Hoover and the federal government introduced the following:

  • 1930 Hawley-Smoot Tariff created protective rates (taxes) and raised amounts on imported types of equipment.
  • 1931 Federal Home Loan Act was passed setting up the Home Loan Board and the establishment of banks to handle the home mortgages. The Federal Home Loan Banks were received $125 million in the capital.
  • In October 1931 the National Credit Corporation was established to strengthen the largest banks in the country to provide lending companies to supply money to small banks on the verge of foreclosure, that could be utilized for loans.
  • 1931 Wagner-Graham Stabilization Act was passed into a set up the Federal Stabilization Board to introduce public duties such as highways and dams.
  • The 1931 Keyes-Elliott Acts appropriated a supplementary $330 million for Federal buildings and development projects in requiring to subsidize employment.
  • Congress developed the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 to establish the Reconstruction Finance Corp. (RFC). The RFC was planned to give out mortgages to railroads, banks, and companies to pump up the money back into the economy.
  • The Emergency Committee for Job was set up August 19, 1931 in an undertaking to assemble private fund and supported states and cities to raise public works spending. It finished on June 30, 1932 because the government was not prepared to cooperate the companies with the assist of money
  • Public Works Programs were proposed, such as the development of the Hoover Dam

The Great Depression Facts 16: The Great Depression sparked public confusion and a set of Hunger Marches by WW1 veterans. On December 5, 1932 nearly 2,000 people marched to Capitol Hill in Washington chanting Feed the hungry, Tax the rich?. They were instantly disappeared, but their action inspired other experts to march to Washington later in the year.

The Great Depression Facts 17: The Bonus Army March took stand in the summer of 1932 as WW1 veterans marched to the Washington to? to pass legislation sanctioning the first payment of $1000 veterans benefits. The bill was not reached. Some of the veterans, with nowhere else to go, remained in Washington, stay in the unoccupied house and makeshift tents. The government noted in the army to dispose of the veterans. The US Army, who under Douglas MacArthur, practiced harsh and brutal tactics to eliminate the veterans.

The Great Depression Facts 18: Over 20,000 companies and industry went bankrupt and ended at the start of the Great Depression. People were turned off duty, and there were no conveniences for much business.

The Great Depression Facts 19: Between the year 1929 and 1932 construction projects dropped by 80% leading to the high levels of unemployment.

The Great Depression Facts 20: By the year 1933 the figure of unemployed entered the stunning number of 12 million (which is 25% of the people). Seventy thousand factories were ended by 1933.

The Great Depression Facts 21: Peoples had no jobs, and no cash and many peoples went hungry. There was no benefits policy, and peoples were dying. Americans were pressured to join ?Bread Lines? for free donations of food, in particular bread. There were so many distressed people that the Bread Lines sometimes spread over several blocks.

Others lined up at ?Soup Kitchens,? set up by donations, where food was provided to the hungry.

The Great Depression Facts 22: Shanty towns (Hoovervilles): Due to the unemployment, Americans were helpless to settle their bills. Many unfortunate tenants were forced out by constables. Homeless Americans had no option but to set up shelters on vacant or communal areas. Children residing in a 1930?s shantytown conveys the condition and the contemporary conditions enforced on American residents who had been made homeless, through no guilt of their own, during the Great Depression. Nearly 50% of infants did not have sufficient food, home, or medical care.

The Great Depression Facts 23: Hobos: Many men?s and young children became hobos during the great Depression. Many absented themselves from their families in the look of jobs anywhere in the region. Many unemployed men considered they were a burden consuming scant food available to their families. The simplest way to proceed around the area was by train and hobos would drive on the open boxcars or in freight trains to each new station. Shantytowns, called ?Hobo Jungles? sprang up by railway terminals.

The Great Depression Facts 24: Dust Bowl: Farmers had encountered a painful time in the 1920s. It became more inferior in the 1930s. In 1932 a devastating drought affected the farmers in North and South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. With no rain, the land changed to dust. Violent winds lashed the dusty soil creating terrifying dust storms. The sand got everywhere, shears were wiped out, and ox were killed. Farmers lost their valuable fields and homes to the foreclosures by the banks of the country. The dust bowl and the sand storms destroyed 100 million acres of farmland. Over 3 million destitute people became dispossessed and many had no option but to had west to California away from the desolation of the plain states.

The Great Depression Facts 25: The Los Angeles Police Department set up the ?Bum Blockade,? in the unlawful attempt to stop immigrants from the Dust Bowl from passing over the California border

The Great Depression Facts 26: During the time of the Great Depression author John Steinbeck wrote ?The Grapes of Wrath? and ?Of Mice and Men? about the ways of life of the individuals residing in the Plains states and the crushing effects of the Dust Bowl.

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The Great Depression Facts 27: Americans undertook to evade the terrors of the Great Depression by tuning in to the radio or dropping a dime to move to the pictures. 60-80 million Americans moved to the pictures every week. The biggest hit song of 1932 was ?Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?? by Bing Crosby. The most famous films during the generation were ?Gone with the Wind?, ?Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?, ?King Kong?, the ?Wizard of Oz? and ?Mr. Smith goes to Washington?.

The Great Depression Facts 28: Crime was increased during the Great Depression. Amongst the peoples of American, who accepted in the track of Al Capone, changed to evil during the time were Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, ?Baby Face? Nelson, Machine Gun Kelly, Pretty Boy Floyd and the Ma Barker gang.

The Great Depression Facts 29: The Stock Market: By 1932 industrial stocks lost 80% of their price since 1930.

The Great Depression Facts 30: International Business: The Wall Street Collapse had impacted across the world, sending other countries into unemployment. This, and the excessive duties on imported goods to America contributed to an extensive loss in International business. Between 1929-1932 international market decline by a substantial 70%.

The Great Depression Facts 31: Income Tax: The original price of tax was raised from 25% to 63%, but this effort was received as too rare, too late.

Great Depression Facts 32: The Great Depression was peaked between the year 1932 and 1933 when things slowly turned to recover.

The Great Depression Facts 33: Not surprisingly Herbert Hoover failed to maintain the authority and on March 4, 1933 the Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was launched as the new president of the United States of America with new solutions to thrash the inflation and a proposal to redistribute revenue from the wealthy to the needy, boldly saying that:

?..the only thing we have to worry is fear itself – unnamed, unconscious, unjustified terror?.

The time in American history was known as the New Deal was about to start.

The Great Depression Facts 34: In the First 100 Days the Roosevelt presidency opened with intensive legislative action and Congress passed 15 important bills to encounter the fiscal crisis – these efforts were pointed out to as the ?First New Deal? encompassing his schemes of Comfort, Improvement, and Reform.

The Great Depression Facts 35: President Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs would turn into the most significant, most valuable government initiatives announced by any American President. His first intention was to sustain the banking structure. The Emergency Banking Relief Bill took all banks under governmental supervision.

The Great Depression Facts 36: President Roosevelt understood that he had to earn back the trust of the American societies. He adopted the power of information via the radio and confirmed a weekly broadcast called the ?Fireside Chats? to talk personally to Americans.

The Great Depression Facts 37: The Second New Deal arrived in the year 1935 – 1936 established more profound and improving policies. These entered the Rural Electrification Administration, the Works Progress Administration, and the National Labor Relations Act. The federal institutions that were designed to produce practical were designated ?Alphabet Agencies,? such as the TVA, NRA, CCC, AAA and PWA.

The Great Depression Facts 38: World War II was broke out in the year 1939, and the United States started the conflict on December 7, 1941. At this moment the monetary productivity in America grew, and unemployment fell – refer to US Mobilization for WW2.

The Great Depression Facts 39: And so the Great Depression turned to an edge, to be taken over by confusion caused by WW2.

The Great Depression Facts 40: President Herbert Hoover’s nickname became identical with the difficulties suffered by many. The soup was called ?Hoover Stew,? and shantytowns made out of cardboard and sheets were called Hoovervilles.

The Great Depression Facts 41: About 6,000 of the street vendors walked down the roads of New York City in the year 1930 trying to trade apples for 0.05 cents each.

Great Depression Facts 42: Zippers began being broadly utilized during the Great Depression because the buttons were very pricey.

The Great Depression Facts 43: Since the flow of money became so weak, the United States did not mind nickels in the year 1932 or 1933.

Great Depression Facts 44: Thousands of homeless people camped out on the Great Lawn at the Central Park in New York City, which was a clear reservoir during the Great Depression.

The Great Depression Facts 45: By 1940, 2.5 million families had taken off the Great Plains with about 200,000 going to California.

The Great Depression Facts 46: One of the biggest Hoovervilles in the state was built in the year 1930 in St. Louis. It had its own mayor, temples and communal systems. The shantytown was financed by individual donors and remained until 1936.

The Great Depression Facts 47: In the 1920s, the wealthiest 1% of the people occupied more than one-third of all the American assets.

The Great Depression Facts 48: When speculating on stocks became a notorious practice, banks started contributing money to lenders to purchase stock. Nearly $4 out of every $10 borrowed from the banks was spent to buy the stock.

The Great Depression Facts 49: The average earning of the American family declined by 40% from the year 1929 to 1932. The average income sank from $2,300 to $1,500 per year.

The Great Depression Facts 50: During the Great Depression, manufacturing workers made about $17 per week, while physicians were making $61 per week.

Click Here to Read:- 60 Interesting Depression Facts

The Great Depression Facts 51: Chicago gangster Al Capone, in one of his infrequent attempts at social relationships, opened a soup kitchen during the Great Depression. For millions, soup kitchens provided the sole foodstuff that they would eat that day.?

The Great Depression Facts 52: The Wall Street Collapse of the year 1929 was one of the primary reasons behind the Great Depression. The collapse became identified as ?Black Thursday,? ?Black Monday,? and ?Black Tuesday.? The failure took place over several days, with Tuesday being the most crushing.

The Great Depression Facts 53: On Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the market lost $14 billion in price, causing the loss for that week an enormous $30 billion. This was ten times higher than the annual federal budget and much higher than the United States had expended in World War I.

The Great Depression Facts 54: After the initial impact, there was a swing of suicides in the New York?s financial section. It is stated that the employees of one hotel even started asking new clients if they required a room for relaxing or for jumping.

The Great Depression Facts 55: As the rumor of the stock market crash spread, individuals began pulling out their money from the banks, leading to massive bank falls. Milton Friedman, a Nobel prize-winning economist, suggested that the 1930s market crash itself did not lead to the depression, but it was the destruction of the banking structure during the swings of public panic during 1930 and 1933.

The Great Depression Facts 56: One American sheep farmer noticed that he would not make any money off his sheeps so rather than watching his 3,000 sheep cease to death, he cut his sheeps throats and pushed them in a valley.

The Great Depression Facts 27: Scholars consider that approximately 50% of youngsters during the Great Depression did not have sufficient meal, shelter, or medical care. Many people were suffered from rickets.

The Great Depression Facts 58: African American peoples were the hardest hit during the Great Depression, and many people of them were the first to follow left off.

The Great Depression Facts 59: Some of the people who became homeless would travel on railway cars because they did not have the cash to go. Some great men who drove the railway cars were William O. Douglas, the United States Supreme Court Justice from the year 1939 to 1975, author Louis L?Amour, and folk singer Woody Guthrie.

The Great Depression Facts 60: During the Great Depression, a recording number of 60 million to 80 million Americans going to watch the pictures every week.

The Great Depression Facts 61: Chain letters became famous in 1935 as a get rich quick plan. The origin of the messages was anonymous, but the letters became so renowned that post offices around the region had to bring in extra help.

The Great Depression Facts 62: Between the year 1930 and 1935, about 750,000 of farms were lost through the bankruptcy or sheriff sales.

The Great Depression Facts 63: The Hawley Smoot Tariff Act of year 1930 increased the U.S. tariffs which, in turn, reduced foreign business, especially in the agriculture sector, and helped grow the Great Depression worldwide. As it increased faster, it gave rise to the Nazism in Germany.

The Great Depression Facts 64: Many of the magnificent structures like the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge were totally during the Great Depression, which produced many works to the jobless.

The Great Depression Facts 65: Economist John Maynard Keynes became famous during and after the Great Depression for always appealing for government interference in the recession and for his impression of laissez-faire practices.

Great Depression Facts 66: By the 1930s, thousands of the schools were working on shortened hours or were locked down completely. About 3 million of children had quit school and at least 200,000 left to move on the rails.

The Great Depression Facts 67: On May 6, 1929, Joseph Stalin announced to a small gather of American communists that America would encounter a modern pressure and that the American communist party should be ready to take up the administration of the approaching class compete in America.

The Great Depression Facts 68: While the Great Depression affected most of the people, about 40% of the people never actually faced real trouble during the years.

Great Depression Facts 69: Californians tried to stop the immigrants from going into their place by setting up checkpoints on a major highway called ?bum blockades.? California even instated an adverse-Okie law which punished anyone moving in indigents with prison time.

The Great Depression Facts 70: Herbert Hoover (1874-1964), a Republican, who was president when the Great Depression started. He infamously declared in the March 1930 that the U.S. had ?passed the worst? and suggested that the recession would arrange itself out. The worst, however, had just started and would last until the eruption of World War II (1939).

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The Great Depression Facts 71: Families who lose their homes often resided in what were claimed ?Hoovervilles,? or shantytowns, that were identified after President Herbert Hoover. There was further ?Hoover Stew? (food dished out in the soup kitchens), ?Hoover Blankets? (newspapers that presented as blankets), ?Hoover Hogs? (jackrabbits used as a portion of food), and ?Hoover Wagons? (broken cars that were picked up by horse).

The Great Depression Facts 72: Chicago gangster Al Capone (year 899-1947), in one of his infrequent attempts at social relationships, opened a soup kitchen during the time of the Great Depression. For millions, soup kitchens provided the particular food they would look at all day.

The Great Depression Facts 73: The Wall Street Collapse of the year 1929 was one of the major causes of the Great Depression. ?Black Thursday,? ?Black Monday,? and ?Black Tuesday? are all correct terms to express the Impact because the original crash occurred over several days, with Tuesday being the most crushing.

The Great Depression Facts 74: On ?Black Tuesday,? October 29, 1929, stock market lost $14 billion, causing the loss for that week a stunning $30 billion. This was ten times higher than the annual federal budget and much higher than the U.S. had spent in World War I. Thirty billion dollars would be equal to $377,587,032,770.41 these days.

The Great Depression Facts 75: After the first collapse, there was a twist of suicides in the New York?s financial community. It is stated that the employees of one hotel even started seeking new guests if they required a place for sleeping or for jumping.

The Great Depression Facts 76: Most of the Great Depression’s economic disturbance was created immediately by bank runs.

The Great Depression Facts 77: As the rumor of the stock market crash spread, consumers scrambled to their banks to pull out their capital, sparking disastrous ?bank runs.? Nobel prize-winning economist Mr. Milton Friedman suggests that the 1930?s market crash itself made not lead to the depression, but relatively it was the failure of the banking structure during waves of public panic during the year between 1930-1933.

The Great Depression Facts 78: The Dow Jones who is a stock market of U.S. peaked at 381 on September 3, 1929, and ground out at 42 in 1932, which is an incredible 89% decrease. It did not ever reach 381 again until 23 years afterward in 1955 (that does not include inflation losses).

The Great Depression Facts 79: Elements of the Great Depression are generally debated but frequently consist of a weak banking structure, overproduction, bursting credit bubble, the fact that farmers and industrial laborers had not received in the expansion of the 1920?s, and a government-held laissez faire method.

The Great Depression Facts 80: One American sheep farmer discovered that he would not produce money off of his sheep during the depression time. Rather than take care of his 3,000 sheep cease to death, he cut their throats and threw them into the canyon.

The Great Depression Facts 81: A fresh look in women fashion developed in the 1930’s. In return to the economic crisis, planners created more affordable styles with longer hemlines, lower heels, slim waistlines, and less makeup. Accessories became more necessary as they set up the impact of a ?new? look without getting to purchase a new dress.

The Great Depression Facts 82: During the lowest days of the Depression (1933-1934) the overall jobless rate was gone to 25% (1 out of 4 individuals) with another 25% taking wage decreases or managing part-time. The gross domestic production declined by almost 50%. It was not until the year 1941, when WWII was ongoing, that unemployment officially fell back below 10%.

The Great Depression Facts 93: Now the typical household has two wage earners, so indeed a 25% inflation rate such as took place during the Great Depression may not mean the same thing as it appeared in the 1930s.

The Great Depression Facts 84: Scholars consider that approximately 50% of adolescents during the Great Depression did not have sufficient food, apartment, or medical care.

Interesting Fact about the Great Depression

The Great Depression Facts 85: By 1932, almost half of the African-Americans were out of work

The Great Depression Facts 86: African-Americans were the most massive hit during the time of the Great Depression, and they were generally the first to become turned off.

Great Depression Facts 87: The board game of Monopoly, which first became usable in the year 1935, became extremely popular perhaps because participants could become rich at least in their imagery.

The Great Depression Facts 88: The ?Three Little Pigs?? was released in May 27, 1933, and presented by Walt Disney was viewed as symbolic of the Great Depression, with the wolf representing the depression and the three little pigs representing the average citizens who finally achieved by working jointly.

Great Depression Facts 89: Some people who became homeless would move on railway cars because they did not have the capital to proceed. Some great men who went with the rails were William O. Douglas (1898-1980), U.S. Supreme Court Justice from the year 1939-1975; novelist Louis L’Amour (1908-1988); and the folk singer Woody Guthrie (1912-1967). Some scholars allege that more than 50,000 of the people were disabled or killed while jumping trains.

The Great Depression Facts 90: During the time of the Great Depression, a record 60 to 80 million Americans moved to the pictures every week. One of the biggest blockbusters of that time was Merian C. Cooper’s 1933 King Kong. Other popular films included The Wizard of Oz (the year 1939) and Gone with the Wind (1939).

The Great Depression Facts 91: Chain letters suggested to have first appeared in 1935 as a get-rich-quick plan. The origin of the messages is anonymous, but the notes became so famous that post offices around the state had to bring in extra help.

The Great Depression Facts 92: Between the year 1930 and 1935, approximately 750,000 farms were lost through the bankruptcy or sheriff sales.

The Great Depression Facts 93: During the Depression, distressed farms were frequently traded at ?Penny Auction? (forced auctions) in which farmers would ensure that an afflicted neighbor would be prepared to buy back his own farm by taking bids down to pennies, nickels, and quarters. They would discourage those who wished to make higher bids, sometimes symbolically with the dangling nooses at the auction scene.

The Great Depression Facts 94: Dorothea Lange’s (the year 1895-1965) famous photographs of immigrant laborers in California during the 1930s remain a stunning pictorial record of the Great Depression.

Sad The Great Depression Facts

The Great Depression Facts 95: Lange took this now an iconic figure of a mom of seven children during the Great Depression.

The Great Depression Facts 96: The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of the year 1930 increased U.S. tariffs which, in turn, reduced international trade (specifically in the agriculture sector) and helped expand the Great Depression worldwide. As it developed, it became partially valid for the Nazism in Germany and for World War II (1939-1945).

The Great Depression Facts 97: As businesses and farms were closed during the Great Depression, a dangerous figure of Americans began changing to crime? like Bruno Hauptmann, who kidnapped and murdered the aviation hero Charles Lindbergh’s 20-month-old boy; John Dillinger, a kind of Robin Hood hero; Lester M. Gillis (?Baby Face? Nelson); Pretty Boy Floyd; Machine Gun Kelly; Ma Barker and her Boys; and the famous Bonnie and Clyde, who were actually rejected by other Midwestern bandits who knew they reduced the measure of the occupation.

The Great Depression Facts 98: An estimate of famous structures, which includes the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge, were developed during the Great Depression, producing many works to the jobless.

The Great Depression Facts 99: The most important demonstration during the Great Depression was carried by the ?Bonus Army.? It consisted mostly of World War I veterans who offered financial benefits that were expected to be handed over in 1945 to be rewarded instead in 1932. The U.S. Army was ordered in to dislodge them.

The Great Depression Facts 100: Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought the people through the Great Depression.

The Great Depression Facts 101: Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the year 1882-1945) became president in March 1933 and committed a ?New Opportunity for the American people.? During his first hundred days, he solicited to establish jobs by providing federal systems that were identified ?Alphabet Agencies,? such as the TVA, NRA, CCC, and WPA. Economists and historians proceed to argument whether Roosevelt’s activities increased and expanded the depression.

The Great Depression Facts 102: Economist John Maynard Keynes (the year 1883-1946) gained fame during and after the Great Depression for consistently arguing for the government interference in the recession and his suggestion of laissez-faire methods.

The Great Depression Facts 103: In the mountain districts of Appalachia, entire families were brought to dandelions and blackberries for their primary diet. Some youngsters were so hungry; they chewed on their own hands.

The Great Depression Facts 104: A quick form of the Social Security began Aug 14, 1935, to carry out social allowance for the aged who did not have adequate money to uphold themselves.

The Great Depression Facts 105: By the 1930s, thousands of the schools were running on shortened hours or were locked down altogether. Some three million of children had quit school, and at least 200,000 went to riding the rails.

The Great Depression Facts 106: During the Great Depression, many of the people tried selling apples to bypass the shame of panhandling. In New York City only, there were as many as 6,000 apple sellers.

The Great Depression Facts 107: When the Depression hit, Mexican-Americans were blamed of taking jobs aside from ?true? Americans and of unfairly burdening local relief attempts. Some were ?encouraged? to return to the Mexico.

The Great Depression Facts 108: On May 6, 1929, Joseph Stalin called to a limited group of American communists that America would encounter a revolutionary pressure and that the American communist party should be ready to take up the management of the ?impending class conflict in America.

The Great Depression Facts 109: During the Great Depression, hundreds and thousands of families migrated west on Route 66 to California, keeping what John Steinbeck in his great novel The Grapes of Wrath called ?The Mother Road.

Random The Great Depression Facts

The Great Depression Facts 110: Over 210,000 people were driven Route 66 to California seeking absolution from the Dust Bowl, but only 8% of them survived in the Golden State

The Great Depression Facts 111: In spite of the New Trade and the ?Indian New Deal? of 1934, most of the Native Americans remained very poor during the Great Depression. The ?Indian New Deal? (which was likewise claimed the Indian Reorganization Act) was a compound and multi-faceted legislation which modified the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 and granted tribes more freedom.

The Great Depression Facts 112: While the Great Depression affected most of the country people, up to 40% of the people never faced real trouble during those years.

The Great Depression Facts 113: Discrimination during the Great Depression against women was frequent, both officially and unofficially types, because they were seen as getting away jobs from men.

Great Depression Facts 114: The Great Depression altered the family in several forms. Many couples postponed marriage, and separation rates and birth rates fell. Some men also left behind their families; a 1940 poll reported that 1.5 million married women were left behind by their husbands.

The Great Depression Facts 115: In the year 1936, major economic signals (except unemployment) returned to the levels of the late 1920s. However, after the federal government cut spending with the possibility that the private sector would walk in, the recession took another sharp decline until WWII.

The Great Depression Facts 116: While John Steinbeck highlights the condition of migrant farm families in The Grapes of Wrath, in realism, less than half (43%) of the emigrants were farmers. Most immigrants came from east of the Dust Bowl and did not carry out on ranches.

The Great Depression Facts 117: . . . and in the eyes of the peoples, there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a rising wrath. In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are packing and producing massive, producing dense for the vintage.

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

The Great Depression Facts 118: Californians sought to stop immigrants from turning into their state by setting up checkpoints on primary highways called ?bum blockades.? California even instated an anti-Okie law which punished anyone moving in ?indigents? with prison time.

The Great Depression Facts 119: In the year 1932, a fraction of all laborers in Cleveland, Ohio, were jobless. And in Oheo, Toledo, four out of five workers were unemployed.

The Great Depression Facts 120: Every great country, covering the United States, rejected the gold standard during the Great Depression. In fact, having the gold standard was a witch of a state’s economic severity and the duration of time for its restoration. However, Herbert Hoover claimed that leaving behind the gold standard was the initial step toward ?socialism, fascism, communism, statist, and an organized economy.

The Great Depression Facts 121: As he went on during World War II, Joseph P. Kennedy (JFK?s father) collected a tremendous number of cash through real estate (among new ventures) during the Great Depression. Without this wealth, he could not have backed his son’s successful race for the ministry.

The Great Depression Facts 122: Some scholars surmise that a ?Great Depression? in year 2009 would contribute to more T.V. watching as a departure, longer lines at the ER, turned-off office workers immigrating to the state, and even online banking runs. Overall, it would be less noticeable and more disconnected than the 1930s? Depression.

Interesting The Great Depression Facts

The Great Depression Facts 123: Severe drought and sand storms exacerbated the Great Depression because it wiped out territories and forced people to leave behind their fields. On May 9, 1934, a sand storm brought an estimated 350 million tons of dirt with 2,000 miles eastward and discarded four million tons of plain soil in Chicago. The drought and dust killed tens of thousands of creatures.

The Great Depression Facts 124: Though the United States has hardly been in an inflation for fewer than a year, some scholars explain that there is no correlation between the present economic condition in 2009 and that of the year 1930s. For example, in the 1930s, inflation reached 25%, and the GDP dropped 25%. In 2009, unemployment was presently at 8.1%, and the GDP has so far lost 2%. Additionally, the condition today is profoundly different because the United States did not have the ?social safety net? in the 1930s that it has today.

The Great Depression Facts 125: Some professors find that the 2009 economic condition more annoying than that of the 1930s? Great Depression because liability in 2009 includes not only stocks but also millions of homes, land, local authorities, and entire states. Also, in comparison to the 1930s, the U.S. is now a borrower nation, and more families in the U.S. are in much higher debt.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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