Reasons Behind We Cry Easily Break Down by Experts


If you have ever asked yourself “Why do I cry so much?” then you’re not alone. Whether it is over a disappointing review at work, a breakup, or the loss of a loved one, shedding tears is a regular aspect of life. “Crying is an excellent way of releasing the emotions and processing difficult situations,” But when people begin to feel that they don’t have control over their emotions, then it can signify something more serious then what you think. (Cry Easily Break Down)

Here, we asked a few experts to break down about the psychology behind crying constantly.

What causes a person to cry easily?


Depression is a mood disorder that is marked by persistent feelings of sadness or numbness, which can lead to an unusual crying. “If you get a change about how much you can crying and it’s consistent with your mood, then you should think about the depression,” Signs of the depression include hopelessness, feelings of sadness, or emptiness, sleep disturbances, a loss of interest, and fatigue.

Best 3 Surprising Truth About Crying | The Science of Tears


An anxiety disorder comes with excessive worrying, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and tears. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the top most common mental health illness in the U.S., which is affecting over 18% of the entire country population.

If you are unclear that you are experiencing the excess feelings of anxiety, in this situation, you should consult with a professional who may recommend therapy, complementary medicine, medication, or lifestyle changes that can help you to come out of the problem of anxiety. (Cry Easily Break Down)

Early Trauma

According to a research, women who had a traumatic childhood or have a experienced extreme traumatic events will often cry more than what is advised a normalized response: “This is because of their sympathetic nervous system experiences trauma or an anxiety in the same somatic responsive way, careless of the scale of how traumatic that particular event. (Cry Easily Break Down)


According to research, the effort it may take you towards off sadness, anxiety, some bad news, or something which disturbs you could be negotiated when you are stressed. “When our body is dealing with these strong feelings, then the feeling of our brain takes over the thinking brain and rules the day, and that allowing tears to flow more easily.” Stress also increases the levels of cortisol, which can increase the hypersensitivity and reactivity to a stressful or challenging situation.


Everyone in this world has his or her unique personality, which is a collection of our behaviors, cognitions, and traits. Biological differences in the structure of our brain and physiology can impact our personality and emotional sensitivity, too, which could lead to more tears.

According to research, neuroscientists are not exactly sure about the neuroanatomy behind crying. Still, they know that it involves the limbic system: “like the more anxious people have differences in the sensitivity of their amygdala, so too the differences in crying are linked to the genetic differences in the sensitivity of the limbic system.”

And some of the people have more sensitive personalities than others. About 15% to 20% of the population has this personality manner. “A highly sensitive person is more sensitive to the people their surroundings, to the feelings of other people’s, the good, and the bad of that they are more affected by the attitudes and comments of the other peoples. (Cry Easily Break Down)

17 Ways To Stop Yourself From Crying – How to Stop Yourself from Crying


Hormones are the chemical messengers that control bodily functions like reproduction, hunger, emotions, and mood. “Anything which causes a shift in the hormones, like premenstrual time, menopause, or postpartum, may cause women to cry more easily,” According to research, you will be able to tell that if your hormones are shifting because it is a quick onset.

Cry Easily Break Down

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According to research, women generally experience their feelings in a higher capacity as compared to men. “Women are socialized to explore, talking about, and showing their feelings from a younger age as per compare to men.

This means that crying is a typical expression of sadness, vulnerability, or grief is more common to them.” The cultural pattern makes it tougher for men to express/show their emotions.

I see many boys/youngsters in middle and high school who fight back with their tears, while girls of the same age will crying openly.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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