Almost everyone has at least one traumatic memory store in their brains. One that still resonates personally for me was the time when my mother left me alone when I was only six years old to take the babysitter home. When I looked suspiciously, she told me not to worry about anything. I (she) will be right back, she said it by smiling brightly and drove off from home. As it got dark inside and outside, I became terrified that something had happened; that’s why she hasn’t come back home. (Remove Bad Memories)
Click Here To Read: 25 Ways To Forget Unwanted Memories – How to Forget a Bad Memory
By the time she returned from outside, I was terrified. She found me standing outside, waiting for her. She scolded me and took me inside the home.
After so many years, whenever my wife is coming home late, I would become apprehensive and anxious about her. My heartbeat would begin to pound, and a few times when she was particularly late, I suffered from a full-blown panic attack.
I know that I am not alone. Some of the memories from a car accident, a natural disaster, a rape, a violent parent, a hospital stay, a drunk husband, an assault, and the horrors of war.
These experiences are widespread than you might think, with an estimated of around 60% or more of Americans who have experienced this at least one of these at some point in their life.
Not all of these memories which cause people to experience trauma later in life, but they can cause problems for many of them, and for some of them, they can have a disability.
People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) problems can become hypersensitive, with their nerves on a permanent state of high alert. Anxiety and fear occur without warning, and nightmares can ruin sleep.
Click Here To Read: 20 Ways to calm your mind – How to calm your mind
How can I forget a bad memory?
Ways To Remove Bad Memories
Interrupt Your Tendency to Brood On the Negative Memories
Studies and researches have shown that even when the positive experiences outnumber our negative numbers, the pile of painful and negative memories will always grow at a high rate.
Our mind is like Velcro for the negative experiences and Teflon for the positive ones! The solution to this problem is not to suppress painful or negative memories, but rather to encourage more positive memories. (Remove Bad Memories)
Years of survival among the saber-toothed tigers have created a human brain which is designed to change through negative experiences, not the positive ones.
Natural selection of the shaped of our minds to respond to each and every situations that contain threats to life. The cost of the failure to respond to a life-threatening condition could be death. In contrast, the value of failure to respond to a lifetime opportunity does not carry the same consequences.
This explains why the negative experiences & painful memories from our past stay in our minds for so long.
While self-reflection is helpful, brooding is harmful. When we down on our problems, it magnifies our misfortune. In the end, we host our pity party, which increases our distress!
How To Make It Work For You:
Mindfulness is the key to living here & now. When you’re mindful, you are present in the moment. Mindfulness takes practice, but over the time, it can significantly decrease our tendency to brood over negative memories.
Click Here To Read: 15 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Incredibly Happy – How To Be Happy
Choose To Forget
Have you ever wondered why those students who cram to prepare for some exam can cheerfully erase their brains of all those hard-won learning once it?s no longer needed in their life? Within days, they can barely remember those basics and let alone the details. It’s as if they have forgotten on purpose.
Recent research shows that, under the proper conditions, anyone can forget what they choose to ignore. It is also possible to forget the painful memories if we discard that mental context within which the memories were learned before. (Remove Bad Memories)
The brain which wants to remember needs to keep active and open the mental context which was present during the process of learning. For example, the memory of our brain is enhanced when it imagines/thinks about the sequence of events and their locations.
When we think about the memorable parties we have attended, our mind drifts through the rooms and contexts of the conversations. Our brain is also able to recall what we have experienced first-handed in each of the locations.
The same research also provides evidence that we forget things when we abandon the mental images and context that go with painful memories.
Click Here To Read: 22 Ways To Become More Positive – How To Become Positive
How To Make It Works For You:?
Our vision is the most dispassionate with the least emotional, also with all of the senses. It reduces the painful memory to only the visual image rather than the actual/specific first-hand experience.
This will surely help dislodge the context of our memory, so our recollection of it becomes thinner and less potent over time. (Remove Bad Memories)

Replace Painful Memories With Positive Ones
Like pulling the weeds, the annoying things won?t go away unless they are pulled out from the roots. Often, it takes some good mental toughness to be enough to get to the source of the memories. You should look at your life as an investigator/ analyst would look at it.
Cautiously probe the deep roots of a reappear negative memory. These tips are often found in childhood experiences. Consciously interrupt that negative memory with positive memories to pull it out at its core/ roots. When you do this, you are building new and positive neural connections.
It takes an active effort to pull out the painful memories from our minds and replace them with positive memories.
Click Here To Read: 25 ways to make your life simple – How to Make Your Life Simple
How To Make It Works For You:
Pair of a bad memory with a good one. Each time you think about an old painful memory, try to shift your thoughts towards good memories.
Whenever you remember a childhood feeling of sadness, then think about those peoples who are having a special place in your life.
Give 20-30 seconds to positive feelings of love and appreciation to come out of this issue.
Add the power of language by saying that I got through that, I’m still here, and my friends and family members still love me.? (Remove Bad Memories)
Get Control Of The Painful Memories
The most common mistake most people make when they try to erase the painful memories is to control, or coverup, their negative feelings, and thoughts.
This does nothing but creates a dangerous loop of more negative emotions and feelings. The more you feed this loop, your painful memories will only become more and more intense and persistent over time. (Remove Bad Memories)
You cannot stop or control the way you feel, but you can learn to change the way you react to the negative feelings and emotions. If you choose to remain a victim of this issue, then you have no way to allow yourself.
You have given your power away to those who already hurt you. It is not your fault because you were the victim of an unpleasant situation, but it is undoubtedly your fault if you choose it again to remain a victim for long after the incident. (Remove Bad Memories)
How To Make It Works For You:
First, be aware of those painful memories which in the past and are not relevant to you now. Second, since you cannot repress or control them, then learn to observe them instead.
Go ahead and feel your painful memories, but try to stay calm around them. The secret to coming out of this situation is to remain relaxed and change your response.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.