Can Coronavirus Spread By Air?

Can Coronavirus Spread By Air?

Dealing with coronavirus has become the biggest challenge facing the world. The most important thing is how did this virus thrive and what should be its treatment?

It is not known yet. Many types of research and studies are being done to gather maximum information related to this virus.

Many information is being spread among people about the coronavirus. Some of these are also fake or uncertified.

People are fast-forwarding this information on social media and messaging apps. Meanwhile, a message is being shared extensively.

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The message claims that “Coronavirus is airborne, an airborne virus that can stay up to eight hours in the air. Everyone must wear masks everywhere. It is 2 hours on steel and 3-4 hours on paper, plastic. And can stay up to 8 hours in the air. “

Airborne pre-cession

This message reached the media through WhatsApp, which has been shared in many groups. A link to CNBC News has also been shared with this message.

We tried to find out if the corona has been declared an airborne virus.

First of all, we read that article of CNBC, which is being claimed that Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic.

This article, published on 16 March, states, “The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering an ‘airborne precision’ for medical staff. This is being done after a study came out that claimed The coronavirus can survive in the air in a particular setup. “

After this, on March 17, a report by the National Institute of Health of America (NIH) came out which claimed that the coronavirus can remain in the air for three to four hours.???

Health Care Facility

When we explored this claim further, we got a press conference of WHO on 11 February.

In which WHO Director-General Tedro Adenom Gabrias said, “Corona and Ebola are not alike, of course. Corona is an airborne virus. So it is even more dangerous, you all have seen how it is The view has spread to 24 countries. “

Also at a press conference on 16 March, WHO’s Head of Emerging Disease, Dr. Maria Kerkov said, “A recent study has revealed that the coronavirus may remain in the air for a while.” Which means that these viruses can stay in the air for longer than normal. “

“Health care facilities are at higher risk for employees working in hospitals. Therefore, employees need to be more careful and take airborne procedures. But common people do not have to wear medical masks all the time unless you have an infection yourself. No, or you’re living with an infected person. “

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ICU of hospitals

However, on March 23, WHO South-East Asia Regional Director Poonam Khetrapal Singh told in a press conference, “So far Corona has not come across any such case due to airborne. The Covid-19 wind from the authorities of China.

The possibility of spreading is coming out, especially in the ICU and CCU of hospitals, this risk is being told. But more data is needed to understand it. “

“Cases that have been reported so far have been the reason for the infected person’s cough, droplets coming out during sneezing and coming in contact with them. So keep a distance and clean hands frequently.”

The hospital staff who are receiving such treatment which is likely to cause arrows will have to take precautions.

Treat arrows like this – Suppose a corona infected person is given a nebulizer, then in the process, a fume is formed because the patient breathes and leaves.

Arrows are lighter than droplets and can last longer in the air.

In such a situation, the risk of airborne infection of Corona will be at the same hospital workers who use such procedure in treatment which produces aerosols.


The BBC has found in its investigation that the World Health Organization has not ruled out the possibility of coronavirus being spread through the air.

But this danger is being considered only for the hospital staff who are treating infected patients.

The WHO has not given any data about how long this virus can stay in the air. In such a case, its claim to last for eight hours is wrong.

However, not a single case of coronavirus has been reported so far due to airborne infection.





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