Coronavirus: Should Wear Masks Or Not?

Coronavirus: Should Wear Masks Or Not?

Coronavirus infection has reached 186 countries in the world. More than three lakh people worldwide are infected with the coronavirus and more than 14,600 people have died.

More than 360 cases of Covid-19 have been found in India. Also, the deaths of seven people have also been confirmed. At the same time, 23 patients have fully recovered.

In order to be safe from the coronavirus, people have been advised to remain in their homes and to leave the house only in emergencies. Due to this, the Government of India has announced a lockdown in 75 districts of 22 states by 31 March.

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People are being asked to take precautions. People have been told to take care of cleanliness, clean hands regularly. Wear a mask. Get in touch with each other.

But in the midst of all this, a question is also being asked, is it possible to avoid wearing masks? Or is it safe to wear a mask?

But it is not as easy as you are thinking to answer this question.

In many countries such as Britain, the USA and Singapore people have been advised not to wear masks if they are not ill.

This advice has been issued on the basis of the World Health Organization and it is probably the reason that you have seen very few people wearing masks on the streets of these countries.

But in many countries like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan, wearing masks has become a social culture and if you look at it, you will find that most people are wearing masks.

People who are using masks argue that wearing it is very important. He says that maybe people who look healthy may also have the virus. But some people say that people who are healthy yet are using masks because of the people who are struggling with a lack of masks.

However, whether to wear a mask or not is a controversial issue. At the same time, there are many cases in which people have also been attacked on people wearing masks because in most countries there is no trend of wearing masks at all.

Meanwhile, in China and South Korea, those who do not wear masks are being considered wrong and in many buildings, the entry of people without masks has also been banned. But according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

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When to wear a mask

  1. If you are healthy, in that case, you need to wear a mask only when you are taking care of a coronavirus infected person.
  2. Wear a mask if you have a cold or cough.
  3. Some people feel that wearing a mask has become safe, but it is not so. Wearing a mask will never work when your hands are clean. Periodically keep your hands clean and use alcohol-based hand soap or sanitizer to clean your hands.
  4. If you are wearing a mask, the most important thing is that you know how to wear and use it.

How to wear and use masks

  1. Do clean your hands before wearing a mask. Clean hands thoroughly with alcohol-based sanitizer or soap.
  2. Wear a mask in such a way that the mouth and nose are completely covered and try to avoid any gap between your mask and mouth.
  3. Do not touch the mask while wearing the mask. Wear it with a mask belt.
  4. Keep changing the mask as soon as possible and try to avoid reusing the single-use mask.
  5. When you are removing the mask, remove it from the back. Do not touch it from the front. Discard the mask immediately after removing it. Put the used mask in the dustbin with the lid only.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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