The father wound

The father wound

Father’s mental health also affects children, know how Few people know and understand that the father’s behavior and mental states also have a great impact on children. In the world of therapy, it is called the father wound if the effects are adverse or negative. Now aggression, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, addiction problems, poor relationship … Read more

Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression Causes and Treatment

baby blues postpartum depression

Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression Causes and Treatment After becoming a mother, the responsibilities of a woman increases. People feel that after becoming a mother, a woman gets real happiness, which is true on one hand. But, if we tell you that many women go through depression after becoming mothers, then perhaps you will be … Read more

How To Fall Asleep Fast Naturally

How to fall asleep fast

How To Fall Asleep Fast Naturally In a fast growing Global village driven by technology, it isn’t very rare and uncommon to find or come across sleeping issues. How to fall asleep fast has become an often sought after statement among many who are very dynamic and move along with the changes of time. What … Read more

5 Natural Ways To Treat Depression

Natural Ways to cure depression

5 NATURAL WAYS TO TREAT DEPRESSION Natural ways to treat, cure and to solve so many issues of life has now become the main approach of this century. After centuries of seeking scientific, medical help and treatment methods, human beings have now discerned its shortcomings and adverse effects. Not only has these methods failed the … Read more

Depression Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Depression Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Depression Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Sometimes you find yourself unhappy, or you feel low, or sometimes you show no interest in your daily activities, these are very familiar symptoms to us and for some reason, it is quite natural to do so. (Depression Causes) But when these symptoms become permanent and affect our lives badly, … Read more

Eat These Foods to Overcome Depression Problem

Eat These Foods to Overcome Depression Problem

Eat These Foods to Overcome Depression Problem Due to today’s lifestyle, many people are suffering from stress and depression. Depression increases the risk of many serious illnesses. Depression in women significantly increases the risk of heart-related problems such as heart attack. (Overcome Depression Problem) Due to depression, heart vessels begin to obstruct, which can cause … Read more

How To Overcome Your Depression?

How To Overcome Your Depression

How To Overcome Your Depression? Depression: The problem of depression is very common today. Sometimes, depression dominates us in such a way that even thoughts of suicide comes in the mind. But if you recognize the symptoms of depression in the beginning and try to overcome them, then you can get overcome your depression without … Read more

6 Foods to Avoid in Depression

6 Foods to Avoid in Depression

6 Foods to Avoid in Depression Any person can suffer from a mental disorder like depression and it can be a very difficult situation for life. Apart from the different treatment of depression, it is also important to take care of the food in depression. (Foods to Avoid in Depression) However, psychotherapy, support groups, and … Read more

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