Some of the young adults who were bullied when they were children could have a higher risk of ongoing depression due to a mix up of genetic and environmental factors as per new study from the University of Bristol. (being bullied)
Researchers wanted to know and find out what are the factors which influenced depression in young adults between the age group of 10 and 24 and why some of the people responded differently to the risk factors like maternal postnatal depression, bullying, early childhood anxiety and also about domestic violence.

By using the detailed mood and feelings questionnaires and the genetic information from the 3,315 teenagers who were part of Bristol’s Children of the 90s study, side by side evidence of these risk factors at 9 points in time when they found that their childhood bullying was strongly associated with the trajectories of the depression which rise at an early age.
Children who were continued to show the high depression into their adulthood were also more likely to have some genetic liability for the depression and their mother with postnatal depression.
On the other hand, children who were bullied at school or playground but did not have any genetic liability for the depression showed lower depressive symptoms very much when they grow young.
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University of Bristol Ph.D. student Kwong says: “Although we know that the depression can attack first in teenage we did not see how the risk factors influenced change over time.
Thanks to the study on Children of the 90s, we were able to consider at multiple times of points the relationships between the most influential risk factors like bullying and maternal depression, also factors like a genetic liability.
“It is essential that we know if some of the children are more at the risk of depression long after any childhood bullying has occurred. Their study found that young adults who were bullied in their childhood were eight times more likely to experience depression, which was limited to their childhood.
Anyhow, some of the children who were bullied in their childhood showed greater patterns of the depression, which continued into adulthood, and this group of the children also showed the genetic liability and family risk. (being bullied)
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“However, just because as an individual has a genetic liability to depression does not mean that they are destined to go on and have the depression. There are several complex pathways that we still do not understand fully & need to investigate further.
“The next steps should be continue to look at both environmental and genetic risk factors to help them untangle this complex relationship, which would eventually help the influence prevention and coping the strategies for both of our health and education services.”
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Lecturer at the University of Bristol says: “These results can help us to identify which groups of children are most likely to suffer from ongoing symptoms of the depression into adulthood and which children will be going to recover across adolescence.
For example, the results suggest that the children with multiple risk factors (including their family history and bullying at school or other places) should be targeted for the early intervention but that when the risk factors like bullying occur isolation, symptoms of the depression may be less likely to persist” (being bullied)
Officer for Bristol’s says: “We see that a diverse mix of the young people presenting with a range of the needs, often anxiety and depression. Understanding some of the factors that influence this will help us further to shape the services and our offer for young people.
I would also hope that studies like these will help change in the policy direction and spending so that we will start to get upstream of these issues that we know, which affect mental health, including family and education; prevention is better than cure.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.