What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can cause extreme mood swings. This includes periods of mania, where you feel very high and happy, and periods of depression, where you feel very low and down. Some people with bipolar disorder also experience psychosis, which can include hearing or seeing things … Read more

When to stop using baby monitor?

when to stop using baby monitor

As any parent knows, raising a child is no easy task. There are so many things to worry about, and it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep when you’re constantly worrying about your little one. That’s where baby monitors come in. Baby monitors help to ease parents’ worries by allowing them to … Read more

Self-Peer Pressure Can Be Caused By High Pressure

Self-Peer Pressure Can Be Caused By High Pressure

Self-Peer Pressure Can Be Caused By High Pressure What is self-peer pressure? Hey “Kobi, you know Emmanuel’s son turned out very fast, he got a job in a big company, and he has a son, he hasn’t got a job yet.” That’s all Robert had heard. Robert’s parents weren’t talking directly to their son, but … Read more

Never Make These Seven Mistakes

Never Make These Seven Mistakes

Never Make These Seven Mistakes Friends, every part of our life is important, but adolescence is an important stage of our life where we grow up from childhood to such a stage of life where we become physically strong, but our thinking is not so mature. that age. This is such a stage in life … Read more

Importance of Solitude

Importance of Solitude

Importance of Solitude Although solitude and solitude are used interchangeably in many places, remember that it is important to understand which of these words are used in what context and in what sense. Here solitude does not mean ‘to be alone’ or to be lonely without meaning. Privacy is much better than loneliness. Consistency and … Read more

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