What are the Symptoms of Covid-19 and Prevention?

What are the Symptoms of Covid-19 and Prevention?

According to the World Health Organization, the corona virus ‘Covid-19’, including India, Britain and the United States, has now spread to 186 countries of the world and has caused more than 20,000 deaths.

More than 600 cases of Covid-19 have been found in India, in which 10 have died. 42 people have recovered completely. To prevent further spread of coronavirus, a lockdown of 21 days has been announced across the country.

To avoid coronavirus ‘Covid-19’, you should wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

Coronavirus Causes, Victims and Increasing Statistics

How to wash hands properly?

When someone infected with the coronavirus coughs or sneezes, very fine particles of their spit are spread in the air. These particles contain viruses of the coronavirus.

These viral particles can enter your body by way of breath when approaching an infected person.

If you touch a place where these particles have fallen and then touch your eye, nose or mouth with the same hand, then these particles reach your body.

In this case, using tissue while coughing and sneezing, not touching your face without washing your hands and avoiding contact with the infected person is very important to prevent the virus from spreading.

What are the symptoms of covid-19 infection?

After reaching the human body, the coronavirus infects its lungs. This causes fever first, followed by a dry cough. There may be problems with breathing later.

It takes an average of five days for the virus infection to start appearing. However, scientists say that in some people its symptoms may be seen even after much later.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there may be up to 14 days between the time the virus reaches the body and shows symptoms. Although some researchers believe that this time can also be up to 24 days.

The coronavirus spreads more than the body of those who show signs of infection. But many experts believe that this virus can spread even before making a person sick.

The initial symptoms of the disease are similar to those of colds and flu due to which one can easily get confused.

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How deadly is the Covid-19?

Compared to the statistics of coronavirus infection, the number of people killed is extremely low. Although these figures cannot be relied on completely, if the data is to be believed, the death rate due to infection can be only one to two percent.

Currently, treatment is being done for thousands of infected people in many countries and the death toll may increase.

A World Health Organization study based on information gathered about 56,000 infected people suggests that –

  • 6% of people became seriously ill due to this virus. These included lung failure, septic shock, organ failure and risk of death.
  • Severe signs of infection were seen in 14 percent of the people. There were problems in breathing and problems like breathing quickly.
  • Minor signs of infection were seen in 80 percent of people, such as fever and cough. Pneumonia due to this was also seen in many.
  • Older people and those already suffering from respiratory disease (asthma) due to coronavirus infection, those facing problems like diabetes and heart disease are more likely to become seriously ill.
  • Treatment of coronavirus is based on helping the patient’s body breathe and increasing the body’s immunity so that the person’s body is able to fight the virus itself.

The work of making the Covid-19 vaccine is still going on.

If you come in contact with an infected person, then you can be advised to stay away from others for a few days.

Public Health England has said that those who think they are infected should avoid going to the doctor, pharmacy or hospital and seek information on the phone or online from the health workers in their area.

Those who have returned to the UK after traveling to other countries have been advised to separate themselves from others for a few days.

How Coronavirus Devastates The Body

Is Covid-19 the first virus called pandemic?

Other countries have also taken steps like closing school colleges and canceling public meetings in their own countries to avoid this virus.

The World Health Organization has also released information about ways to take precautions for the people.

Upon seeing signs of infection, the person should contact their local healthcare officer or employee. Those who have come in contact with the coronavirus-infected person in the past will be investigated.

All patients arriving at the hospital, who have symptoms of flu (colds and breathlessness), will be tested by the Health Service Officer.

You will be asked to wait until the test results are out and keep yourself away from others.

How fast is the Covid-19 spreading?

Hundreds of cases of coronavirus are being reported worldwide. But it is also believed that even now many cases have been saved from the eyes of health agencies.

According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, so far, 6,15,860 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in 166 countries of the world.

Most cases of infection of this virus have been reported in China, Italy, Iran, America, and Korea.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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