Pregnant hangover Know its causes, symptoms and prevention measures

Pregnant hangover Know its causes, symptoms and prevention measures

Rarely have you ever heard or thought of the expected hangover! It is said that life should not be too long. We do a lot to make our lives better. Of course, there are certain expectations from our people.

I thought nothing would happen again or I would lose my good job. When were you thinking of promotion but still couldn’t? Many of us do not get things according to our thinking. Many things in the mind sometimes trouble us when it is not fulfilled.

Someone has rightly said that expecting causes a headache. In the age of social media, our expectations have increased a lot. It is said that the intoxication of hope is more dangerous than the intoxication of alcohol.

It is dangerous because the intoxication of alcohol goes away after some time, but the intoxication of expectations stays with them for a long time.

What is a pregnant hangover?

Christine Hasler, author of ‘Expectation Hangover Over Disappearance in Work, Love and Life’, describes the expectation hangover in her book. This book also tells about how to get rid of the problem of hangover.

The hangover of hope can be faced when we think deeply about something and our attachment to it increases. High expectations also lead to misery.

So sometimes, even when the expectations are fulfilled as per your plans and desires, you may still feel that your expectation is unfulfilled.

Hustler says it’s not wrong to have expectations, but letting those expectations overwhelm you can lead to misery. Don’t let anything dominate you.  

Sometimes a hangover of hope is good because it helps you to learn and understand many new things.  

Spiritual gurus say that ‘when we live on expectations, our suffering increases. When we learn to accept things, the suffering starts to subside. ,

Think for yourself once. You will feel proud if all your expectations are fulfilled. You will not be able to learn anything new and become narrow minded.

What are the Types of Expectation Hangovers?

Most people can expect three types of hangovers

  1. Situational Expectation Hangover

Situation Expectation Hangover i.e. when we do not get the desired result of any work, it is called Situation Expectation Hangover. Its problem can often be seen in parents. For example, expensive fees or tuition may not bring good results for the child.

Parents often feel that if they pay expensive fees to teach their children, their children will be much faster at reading than other children.

  1. Mutual Expectation Hangover

Interpersonal expectation hangover refers to an interpersonal expectation hangover that is caused by a sudden surprise from another. Some people may incorporate other people into their expectations.

In everyday language we can also say that to expect something from someone. However, what we have expected, may or may not know anything about this expectation.

  1. The Self-Imposed Expectation Hangover

Self-inflicted expectation hangover means when we set a goal or target and do not act according to it, it can be called as self-imposed expectation hangover. For example, there is no success in working hard for a job or passing an exam. Due to this, most of the students also commit suicide.

How to prevent anticipation hangover?

There are many ways to prevent the expected hangover, but these should be considered.

  1. Find the Cause of the Hangover

If you want to avoid the problem, first find out its root, that is, the reasons for its occurrence. You can also compare the three situations mentioned above to know the reason. Once you know the reason, a loved one can get you out of this problem quickly.

  1. Talk About It

Although you should not share your problems with everyone, but if they are shared with some close and trusted people, their solutions can be easily solved.

If you are also troubled by the problem of hangover, then talk to your near or dear one about this problem as soon as the reason is known.

But, keep in mind that while sharing your problem with him, don’t expect that he will 100% solve your problem with your help.

  1. Don’t get discouraged when expectations are met

It is one of the best ways to avoid the expected hangover. Keep in mind that all our expectations cannot be fulfilled at once, or we cannot get success in any work by trying at once.

So don’t get discouraged or lose that hope if any of your expectations don’t come true. Rather, try to fulfill that expectation again with full courage and hard work. Also, review your expectations once before trying a second time.

The above advice does not provide any therapy. Please consult your doctor for more information regarding this.





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