Chest pain is not just a heart attack or angina. It may also be due to other reasons such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, stress, or panic attack.
Cardiac chest pain usually spreads to other body parts and does not change in intensity. Non-cardiac chest pains do not spread to the other side and may decrease in power when you sit or stand.
Perfect for both type of chest pain for exercise and better eating. Chest pain is between your neck and upper abdomen. Although it is often from a heart-related issue, it is usually caused by one of many other problems.
Pain in the right side of the chest can be caused by many reasons, but most chest problems are not related to your heart. Pain on the right side of your chest is usually not the result of the heart attack.
Your chest is a home of other organs and tissues where inflammation or injury can occur, which can cause you to feel pain.
Pain is caused by muscle strain, infection, stress or anxiety, or other conditions unrelated to your heart.
In this article, we will tell you in detail about its different causes, symptoms, treatment, and home remedies which will be explained in detail.
Due To Chest Pain
Chest pain can be the result of heart attack or angina or gastroesophageal reflux disease, anxiety, and other cardiovascular problems such as chest wall.
If you have severe chest pain, it may be related to the heart (cardiac). Cardiac chest pain indicates either a heart attack – where the blood supply to a part of the heart is blocked – or angina can occur, where the blood supply to the heart muscle is impaired.
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In Which Situations Emergency Assistance is Required:
Chest pain on the left side is generally associated with a heart attack. If you feel pain on your right side, it is not related to your heart.
You Should Still Take Immediate Medical Attention if You:
* If severe chest pain arises suddenly.
* Pressure or fullness is experienced in your chest.
* Severe pain is experienced through your hands, back, neck, jaw or abdomen.
* Sweating.
* Weakness, dizziness or nausea.
* Difficulty in breathing.
Chest Pressure Results
Pain for at least 15 minutes.
Spreads to the other parts of your body such as your arms and back.
Other symptoms are shortness of breath, nausea, and extra sweating.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – A condition in which there is an excess of acid in the stomach, resulting in an unpleasant taste in your mouth and a burning sensation in your chest.
Difference Between Cardiac And Non-Cardiac Chest Pain

The cardiac chest pen spreads to other parts of your body, and its intensity is also opposite in the case of non-cardiac chest pens. Both the heart and esophagus are located close to each other in the chest and have a similar nerve supply.
Therefore, if you have pain in both areas, the same nerve fiber gives stimulation of the brain, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the two.

Cardiac Chest Pain
A cardiac chest pen is a type that spreads to other parts of your body such as your arms (especially the upper part of your left arm), shoulders, neck, and back.
Non-cardiac chest pain is usually associated with GERD. It can spread to your throat and upper chest due to esophageal intestines.
Symptoms of Cardiac Chest Pain

If you are having non-cardiac chest pain, it can be severe during deep breathing or coughing. If the intensity of your chest changes due to a change in body position, it is not the most heart-related.
When you straighten your body, chest pain is reduced due to GERD. When you sit or stand, bend down, the situation can become worse. Cardiac chest pens, on the other hand, remain the body regardless of any change.
Any of these symptoms can be the cause of a serious or fatal condition, so you should visit to the doctor as soon as possible.
Stress or Anxiety
Panic attacks can occur due to an anxiety disorder or excessive stress, which feels like a heart attack. A panic attack can arise from any painful or stressful event in life.
Symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks may include:
- Shortness of breath.
- Pain in chest.
- heart palpitation.
- Dizziness.
- Vertigo.
- Numbness in arms and legs.
- To sweat.
- Shuddering.
- Fainting
Panic attack can cause a? person chest pain because when you hyperventilate (breath rapidly or deeply), your chest wall muscles get cramped. Pain may occurs on either side of the chest as a result of anxiety or tension.
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Muscle Stretch
Overuse or trauma can cause muscle strain, which is one of the most common causes of the pain on both sides of your chest.
Excessive use of the upper part of the body during play can cause muscle strain or put more pressure on your muscles while painting a ceiling, cutting wood, or doing any more difficult activity. Muscle pain can also occur gradually as a result of stress or anxiety.
Trauma on the Chest
Chest in the pectoralis muscle may also cause chest pain. It is usually indirectly caused by trauma or a direct hit to the chest. Blunt trauma can also be a cause of rib fracture or possible rib replacement.
Symptoms of chest injury or rib replacement include:
- Chest pain that becomes more than coughing sneezing or laughing.
- Shortness of breath
- Injury
- swelling
- Fragility
Indigestion or Heartburn
Heartburn refers to chest irritation that occurs after eating, bending, working, or lying down at night. This is usually due to acid reflux, which occurs when your stomach acid returns to your esophagus.
- In addition to chest pain, you can:
- Feel a sore throat
- Have difficulty swallowing
- Feels like food is stuck in the middle of your throat or chest
- There is an unexplained acidic, salty or sour taste on the back of your throat
Indigestion refers to an upset stomach. Although indigestion is not usually the cause of chest pain, it may be accompanied by heartburn.

Symptoms of Indigestion Include:
- Nausea.
- Quick and uneasy of fullness after eating.
- Discomfort, pain, and burning in the upper abdomen.
- swelling.
Acid Reflux
Acid reflux happens when stomach acid flows back into your food pipe or esophagus.
The reasons for this can be the following:
- Heartburn
- stomach pain
- Dakar
- Sour taste in the mouth
If you are experiencing acid reflux more than twice a week, you may develop gastroesophageal reflux (GECD).
Symptoms of GERD include:

- Heartburn
- Sore throat or throat
- Sour taste in your mouth
- Lump-like sensation in the throat
- Dry cough
- difficulty swallowing
Chest Pain Treatment
No matter what the pain is. If you experience any of the symptoms, you should consult a doctor. You can also avoid this by keeping yourself fit.
Exercising for at least 30-40 minutes every day can help you control your weight and reduce stress, which can increase your chances of a heart attack. If your chest pain is due to GERD, then you can reduce the intake of fried and spicy foods.
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Prevention of Chest Pain
How Can Chest Pain be Prevented?
Chest pain can be prevented in many ways – including both cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain types.
For example, people who smoke can prevent cardiovascular chest pain by quitting smoking and living a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyles include eating fiber and low-fat foods and exercising.
Individuals who are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease can reduce the cardiovascular risk and symptoms of chest pain with them by following the instructions and medications given by the doctor.
Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of cardiac chest pain. So by treating atherosclerosis, the pain of the chime can be prevented.
Like cardiac chest pain, non-cardiac related chest pain can also be prevented by preventing the underlying cause of its pain. For example, avoiding the conditions which increase the risk of the pneumonia, muscle strain, and stroke, etc., also helps in the prevention of non-cardiac chest pain.
Diagnosis of Chest Pain
How is Chest Pain Diagnosed?
If you have chest pain and feel that you may have a heart attack, consult a doctor immediately. Especially if feel your chest pain is unclear, for the first time and lasts more than a few moments, it is necessary to contact a doctor about this.
In the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the patient some questions, and the answers given by the patient help in diagnosing the causes of chest pain.
Be prepared in advance to report any symptoms you feel, and to inform the doctor about previous medications, treatments, and other medical problems.
Chest Pain Diagnostic Tests

To diagnose and to overcome other cardiovascular problems caused by chest pain, the doctor may ask for some tests, which include –
Electrocardiogram – It records the electrical activity in your heart.
Blood tests – This test is done to measure enzyme levels.
X-ray – A chest X-ray is performed to examine the heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
Echocardiogram – In this, pictures of the heart are recorded with the help of sound waves.
MRI – With its help, any damage in the heart and aorta is detected.
Stress tests – This involves measuring the ability of the heart to function after rigorous physical exertion.
Angiogram – With the help of this specific test, a specific artery blockage is detected.
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Treatment of Chest Pain – Chest Pain Treatment

What is the Treatment of Chest Pain?
Treatment varies which depending on the underlying cause of chest pain.
Following types of medicines are given for the treatment of some of the most common causes of chest pain –
Artery Relaxers
Nitroglycerin is a tablet (medicine) that is usually placed under the tongue. This relaxes the arteries of the heart, allowing blood to flow smoothly through narrowed passages. Some blood pressure medications also relax the blood vessels and widen their passages.
If the doctor suspects that chest pain is related to the heart, they may also give aspirin.
Clot-Busting Drugs
If the patient has a heart attack, the doctor can give this medicine to the patient (s). This medicine helps in melting the blood clot that is blocking the blood supply to the heart muscle.
Blood Thinners
These drugs are given if blood or artery in the heart or lungs is formed, which dilutes the blood, and helps the formation of new clots.
Acid-Suppressing Medications
If chest pain is caused by stomach acid that returns to the esophagus, then the doctor takes medicines to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach can give.
If you have a panic attack, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants to help control your symptoms. Psychological, behavioral therapy, such as psychological therapy, may also be advised.
Surgery and Other Procedures
Procedures for treating some of the most dangerous causes of chest pain, including
Balloons and Stent Placement
If the chest pain is due to an obstruction in an artery that carries blood to the heart, the doctor may use a narrow (thin) tube with a balloon at the end of the groin (stomach). And the middle part of the tube) into a large blood vessel, and carry it to the blocked area.
They then inflate balloon to reopen the artery. In some cases, a small mesh made of a wire is inserted along the tube to keep the vessels open, helping to keep the vessels open.
Bypass Surgery
During this procedure, the doctor removes a blood vessel from another part of the patient’s body. The blood vessel is prepared as an alternate route to the blocked artery.
Dissection Repair
Emergency surgery may be required to repair aortic dissection. This can create a life-threatening situation, as it can result in an artery carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
Lung Re-inflation
If your lungs have narrowed due to a condition, the doctor may insert a tube into the chest to help the lungs re-inflate.
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15 Home Remedies in Chest Pain

Garlic is used for overall health, especially for treating heart problems, garlic is very beneficial. Due to the calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C found in garlic, it is called a store of vitamins and minerals.
Apart from this, iodine, sulfur, and chlorine are also found in it. It helps to relieve chest pain caused by cough, asthma, and phlegm, etc.
Regularly taking only one bud of garlic can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent plaque formation on the walls of the arteries, which is a significant cause of angina or chest pain.
Ginger Root
Ginger root is an ancient remedy for the treatment of various health problems. It is a beneficial remedy for gastrointestinal issues such as acidity, cold and flu and bloating and vomiting and nausea during pregnancy.
Whenever you experience chest pain, take ginger root tea to reduce swelling and relieve cough. Apart from this, tea made from it is also helpful in relieving chest pain caused by heartburn.
Turmeric as a spice is widely used in Asian cuisine, and as an herb, it is used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to treat anti-inflammatory diseases. Due to the element called curcumin found in turmeric, it is used to treat various diseases like flatulence, wounds, chest pain, etc.
Curcumin is very useful for protecting the heart from unhealthy conditions. This element helps to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which makes the plaque on the walls of the arteries stronger by damaging the blood vessels.
Basil is a useful anti-bacterial herb and causes anti-inflammatory effects. Nutrient elements present in it are necessary for the heart. The volatile oil found in basil is called Eugenol.
It can block the activity of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase in the body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, basil helps in relieving pain and also helps in removing inflammation.
This herb contains protein and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K with medicinal properties.
Apart from this, it also contains potassium, calcium, carotene, zinc, iron, vitamin D and as C, B, niacin, riboflavin. These components make it a valuable herb to treat various diseases. The enzymes found in the herb help relieve chest pain caused by gastrointestinal problems.
The presence of antioxidants in abundance in Hibiscus, especially flavonoids, neutralizes free radicals and promotes whole health. These antioxidants help prevent heart problems and chest pain by reducing the accumulation of fat in the arteries.
Also, the vitamin C found in plenty in this herb plays an important role in strengthening the immune system, especially if you suffer from cold and flu and cough and severe chest pain. Hibiscus tea helps relieve cough, chest pain, sore throat, and other respiratory problems.
Pomegranate Juice
According to many studies, pomegranate is beneficial in removing heart problems. This helps to prevent damage to the arterial walls and oxidation of LDL by reducing stress. Helps to overcome difficulties due to narrowing of the arteries due to stroke and peripheral disease.
Chest pain is the initial symptom of all these problems. Regular intake of pomegranate juice, its effective antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, helps prevent chest pain.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a miraculous plant, which provides many types of health benefits. It can also help to strengthen your cardiovascular system, regulate good cholesterol, lower your triglyceride levels, and lower blood pressure. All these help in relieving chest pain.
Studies have revealed that vitamin-D and vitamin-B12 deficiency can cause chest pain. Even this can lead to myocardial infarction or heart attack. Therefore, if you are suffering from chest pens, then pay attention to your diet. You should eat nutritious food, which is rich in vitamins.
And you can include fish, cheese, egg yolk, cereal, soy products and meats in your diet. You can also take the necessary supplements of vitamins with the advice of a doctor.
Apple Vinegar
Apple vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps relieve heartburn and acid reflux. Due to these, there is a complaint of chest pain. It is considered a well-known treatment in the treatment of chest pain.
Hot Drinks
Drinking a cup of hot herbal tea or anything hot can relieve chest pain caused by indigestion or bloat. Hot drinks keep the heart healthy by reducing bloating and indigestion.
Turmeric and Milk
Turmeric is an excellent source of curcumin. It prevents cholesterol oxidation, clot formation, and artery clotting. All of these can cause heart problems and chest pain. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce the intensity of chest pain.
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Red Chilly
This chili contains capsaicin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. This helps reduce the intensity of your chest pain. It also helps in improving the blood flow in the heart, which can prevent heart diseases.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which enhance heart health and prevent chest pain. Promotes blood flow to the heart and lowers cholesterol levels.
Almonds are a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This not only promotes heart health but also helps in lowering cholesterol levels. It can help in the treatment of heart disease and chest pain.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.