Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Being happy in a moment and being unhappy in the second moment is the symptom of Bipolar disorder. Today we are going to tell you about the symptoms and treatment of this disease. What triggers bipolar? Bipolar disorder It is a disease in which the behavior of the sufferer starts to change rapidly. Such … Read more

Subtle Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Subtle Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a disorder of a brain; it happens due to a change in mood, activity, energy, and day-to-day life. However, lots of people around the world have bipolar disorder; just like many mental illnesses, it is often misunderstood. In popular culture, people call every such person “bipolar” … Read more

Cooking Can Improve Men Mental Health

Cooking Can Improve Mens Mental Health

Introduction Maybe you have been taught from childhood that working in a kitchen is the job of women. But now you change your thinking because this can also happen that the key of your comforting is hidden in the kitchen itself. (Men Mental Health) Going to the kitchen and doing some work related to eating … Read more

What is Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)?

What is Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)?

Introduction Before we go to any social program or function, we all feel nervous; we are concerned about what our partners or strangers will say. For example, before you get up to the public speech, your mind keeps on running, when a teacher asks you a question in front of the whole class, there is … Read more

What is Personality Disorder?

What is Personality Disorder?

Introduction In psychological contexts, a person is used for the way through which a person joins or makes contact with them. The person is a total deposit of all the qualities that decide how we behave, and how we interact with others, how they interact with them or talk or behave. (personality disorder) Some qualities … Read more

Types of Personality Disorders

Types of Personality Disorders | Personality Disorders Types

Introduction Personality disorders tell the excess or lack of certain aspects of a person’s personality, which disrupts the person’s daily activity in and out of the person’s home. The symptoms of personality associated with these disorders are varied in everyone; they come from childhood but can be identified only in adulthood. Personality disorders are of … Read more

Schizoaffective Disorder: Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment

Schizoaffective Disorder: Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Schizoaffective disorder is a controversial disorder at a theoretical level, but a clinical reality that affects 0.3% of the population. Knowing their symptoms, effects, and characteristics that can explain their causes, it is to understand the clinical category. What is a schizoaffective disorder? Speaking widely, we can understand Cephalic disorder as a mental disorder, which … Read more

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