What is Personality Disorder?

What is Personality Disorder?

Introduction In psychological contexts, a person is used for the way through which a person joins or makes contact with them. The person is a total deposit of all the qualities that decide how we behave, and how we interact with others, how they interact with them or talk or behave. (personality disorder) Some qualities … Read more

Types of Personality Disorders

Types of Personality Disorders | Personality Disorders Types

Introduction Personality disorders tell the excess or lack of certain aspects of a person’s personality, which disrupts the person’s daily activity in and out of the person’s home. The symptoms of personality associated with these disorders are varied in everyone; they come from childhood but can be identified only in adulthood. Personality disorders are of … Read more

Schizoaffective Disorder: Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment

Schizoaffective Disorder: Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Schizoaffective disorder is a controversial disorder at a theoretical level, but a clinical reality that affects 0.3% of the population. Knowing their symptoms, effects, and characteristics that can explain their causes, it is to understand the clinical category. What is a schizoaffective disorder? Speaking widely, we can understand Cephalic disorder as a mental disorder, which … Read more

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