Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a disorder of a brain; it happens due to a change in mood, activity, energy, and day-to-day life.
However, lots of people around the world have bipolar disorder; just like many mental illnesses, it is often misunderstood. In popular culture, people call every such person “bipolar” in which any kind of mood swings are seen, but diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder is very difficult.
Many types of bipolar disorder are present. However, every type of bipolar disorder is quite severe, but usually, through prescription medication and psychotherapy, these treatments are also done.
Method 1 – Learning about Bipolar Disorder
What are the first signs of bipolar?
Suddenly, look at the strangely “Mood Episodes”:
Mood episodes show a special change in a person’s mood, even a weird change. In common language, they are also said to be “mood swings”. People who are battling Bipolar disorder, change their mood episodes rapidly or have little switches between their episodes.
There are two basic types of mood episodes: Eccentrically elevated (or rapidly moving) or manic episodes and erectly deprecated or depressive episodes. The person may also feel Mixed Episodes, which show signs of both Mania (Madness and Depression) at the same time.
Humans with bipolar disorder can also feel the “normal” mood period between these mood episodes.
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Make yourself aware of the different types of bipolar disorder:
Four basic types of bipolar disorder:
Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (this is a bipolar disorder, which does not have much information) and cyclothymia.
Type of bipolar disorder is determined by its seriousness and duration on the diagnosed person, as well as according to the repeat of mood episode cycles. A Trend Mental Health Professional can diagnose bipolar disorder; you cannot do it yourself, nor should you try to do it.
Bipolar I disorder consists of manic or mixed episodes, which last for at least seven days. That person may also feel some serious manic episodes, which can put them in danger by requiring immediate medical attention. Depressive episodes also appear, which lasts for at least two weeks.
In the Bipolar II disorder, ‘hypomania’ is included, which rarely reaches full of insanity and depression episodes. Hypomania is a light manic state, in which a person suffers a lot of “excitement”, is very active and feels like he needs very little or no sleep.
Other symptoms of mania, such as movement of thoughts, quick talk too much, and confusion in Ideas, but unlike manic states, people who are experiencing hypomania usually have the ability to do something real or to do something completely getaway on treatment, such a manic state can also change in a serious mania.
Depressive episodes occurring in Bipolar II are usually more serious and these Depressive episodes remain even longer than Bipolar I.
It is very important to keep this in mind that most of these symptoms can be associated with both type I and II, and the experiences of every human being who are struggling with them are very different, so even though most of all traditional Knowledge about its occurrence is known only, but it doesn’t need always to happen.
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Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified occurs when symptoms of bipolar disorder are present. Still, they do not have any of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and statistical manual present for mental disorder), which also does not match decisive criteria. These symptoms are still not specific to any person’s “normal” or baseline.
Cyclothymic disorder or Cyclothymia is a light form of bipolar disorder. In these periods of hypomania, changing between light episodes of depression and medium episodes have to stay for at least two years to match Diagnostic Criteria.?
A person with bipolar disorder may also experience “rapid cycling,” in which he performs experimental four or more mood episodes during the 12 months. Rapid cycling affects women more than men, and they can come and go.?

Learn to Identify Manic Episodes:
How manic episodes appear, they differ according to different people. However, it comes out of sudden change in the mood as compared to any human’s “normal” or baseline emotional state. Some symptoms of mania (insanity) include:
Too Much Happier, Happiness or Excitement Filling:
The man who encounters manic episodes probably will be “bugging” or so happy, that even bad news will not spoil his mood. This sensation of extreme happiness remains even without apparent reasons.
Overconfidence, the ability to not hurt in any way, the temptation of grandeur in humans who encounter manic episodes, they can have a very high feeling of ego or self-esteem.
They would have believed that they could achieve anything more than their ability as if there was nothing like that which could obstruct their way. They will think like this as if there is a special connection with their vital forces or super-national forces.
Increased in sudden irritations and anger in the man who has battling manic episodes, maybe screaming at other people without any reason. He may be more likely to be “touchy” or easily annoyed with his “real” mood.
The person will take a lot of work together in one go, or take more work in a day than the work that can be done in a day. Instead of sleeping or eating, one chooses to do such activity, which probably does not happen to any work.
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Too many things to talk about, stray things, wandering thoughts:
A man battling manic episodes often has trouble adjusting his thoughts, even if he is not talking too much. He can very quickly move on to somebody from one thought or activity.
Feeling nervous or excited:
That person may feel nervous or excitement. It can be easily distracted too.
A sudden increase in risky behavior:
That person will probably do some things which would be awkward according to their normal baseline, and they would be at risk due to them, such as unsafe sex, excessive jumping, or gambling.
Physical activities such as speeding or any dangerous sports or athlete feats – especially those for whom humans are not prepared – can also happen.
A decrease in sleep habits:
The person might have thought maybe a little less sleep, yet he would say that he does not have to rest. It can be insomnia, or it can be just like this, that he or she does not need to sleep.
Learn to Identify Depressive Episodes:
If a manic episode, like a person with a bipolar disorder, feels like this, such as “he is absolutely the topmost,” a depressive episode has a feeling of being crushed at its bottom. These symptoms can vary by people, but there are some common symptoms to identify them:?
Too much sadness:
Just like the feeling of joy or excitement in the manic episodes, there will be no reason behind these feelings. The person may feel hopeless or inadequate, even if you do not try to encourage him.
This is a fancy way of saying this, that the person does not show interest or happiness in those things, which he used to enjoy doing earlier. Sex drives may also have reduced.
Tiredness is always common for people suffering from depression. He can also say that pain or stiffness is too much to be said.
Disturbance in sleeping habits:
With depression, the “normal” habits of a person’s sleep get worse due to some reason. Some people will sleep less, but some people will sleep too much. Either way, their sleeping habits will now have changed significantly from their “normal” habits.
Changes in appetite:
A person suffering from depression can make weight loss or weight gain. They will either eat too much or they will not eat enough according to need.
It may also be different from the normal habits of that person and reflects the change according to what is “normal” for that person.
Difficult to meditate depression makes it difficult to focus on anything or to decide even a little. A person can feel depressed about feeling almost paralyzed while applying depressive episodes.
Suicide idea or action:
Do not assume that introducing suicidal ideas or just thinking about it is a way of “drawing attention to you”. Suicide for a person with bipolar disorder is a really big risk.
If you express any familiar successful thoughts or try to do it, then call immediately emergency services and give information about it.
Try to read more about the disorder:
By the way, you have already taken a good step by paying attention to this article. You can also check our website Depression Cure in which you learn about bipolar disorder and other mental health issues; you will be able to support your closest people equally well. Below are some resources worth considering for you:
The National Institute of Mental Health, collecting information about bipolar disorder, recognizing its symptoms, understanding the reason behind it, ways to make its treatment choices, and how to live with this disease.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offer resources for the person who has bipolar disorder and for its closest people.
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Marie Hornbacher’s memoir (biography) Madness:
A Bipolar Life has mentioned the entire story of the writer in dealing with her bipolar disorder. (Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison) An Unquiet Mind has described the life of a scientist who was also a bipolar disorder patient.
Even though the experiences of every human being are very different for them, these books will help you to understand that no one is passing close to what position.
Dr. Frank Mondimore’s Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families explains how to care for your closest (and yourself).
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide of Dr. David J. Miklowitz helps in managing this disease by people and their close relatives fighting with bipolar disorder.
My Alan Copland and Matthew McKay (The Ellipsis Copeland and Matthew McKay) The Depression Workbook: A Guide for Living with Depression and Manic Depression, to help keep the mood stabilization of people with diabetes bipolar disorder through self-injections.
Reject some common beliefs about mental illness:
Mental illness is often criticized by saying, “something is wrong” with somebody. It is considered to be such a thing, that if “he has tried a lot” or “thought more positively,” then he should “get fit.”
The real thing is that these kinds of Ideas are not exactly right. Bipolar disorder is due to the complex interacting factors, including genetics, brain structures, chemical imbalances, and physiological pressure in the body.
Bipolar disorder is a human being who can not “stop” like this disorder. However, bipolar disorder can be a treat.
Think once and see how you would talk to a person who had a cancer-like illness. Would you ask such a person, “Have you ever tried to save yourself from cancer?” Just saying this “try more” than any person who has a bipolar disorder, is wrong.
Another misconception is that bipolar is very low. Many people around the world are battling some bipolar disorder. Even a lot of people have also talked about having diagnosed with their bipolar disorder.
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Another common assumption is that manic or depressive mood episodes are “normal,” or it’s a good thing. Well, everybody indeed has a good day, a bad day, because of Bipolar disorder, there is such a change in the mood, which is furious and the common “mood swings) “Or” bad days (off days).” This brings a special mess in any person’s daily life.
Confusion between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is also done as a common mistake. Even though some of these two symptoms (such as depression) are not identical, but even then, they both do not become the same disease.
Bipolar disorder is mainly tested from intense mood episodes. Skitsophrenia has symptoms such as hallucinations, delectation’s (delusions), and random things, which are not usually found in bipolar disorder. However, it is also possible for both human beings to experience the symptoms of Skitso Effective disorder.
Most people believe that humans with bipolar disorder or depression are dangerous for other humans. News media supports similar ideas.
But in the real, research has shown that a person who has a bipolar disorder, acts less violent than the person without disorder. However, a person struggling with bipolar disorder can think about suicide better than a normal person.
What mental illness causes excessive talking?
Method 2 – Talking with your closest
Do not use language that hurts:
Some people sometimes say, in the description when they are debating about themselves, that they are “Bipolar” or “schizo”, while they never have some kind of diagnosis done for mental illness as well.
In addition to being mistaken, this type of language makes all the experiences of a human being diagnosed by bipolar disorder. Whenever talking regarding mental illness, please talk respectfully.
It is also important to remember that people do not like to hear something about their illness. So do not use sentences like “I think, that you are bipolar”. Instead of saying something like this, “I think you may have a bipolar disorder.”
Presenting someone “from” his illness, he feels like his insult. Because of this, this stigma is encouraged, that all of them are often surrounded by mental illness, even if you do not even mean to say it.
Trying to make a good person by saying, “I’m a bit too bipolar” to any person, instead of doing something right, will make it worse. Such things will make such a person feel as though you are not taking their illness seriously.
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Talk about your concern with your beloved person:
Maybe you are hesitant to talk to him from fear of hurting someone close to you. But actually, it is beneficial and essential to talk about your concerns with that close person.
Not talking about mental illness, it works to spread misconceptions about it, and perhaps they should inspire that person to take his disorder incorrectly, and to believe that he is “bad” or “they are not of any use” or they should be embarrassed about their illness. When you go to your closest person, then be open and honest and show your love towards them.
Trust that person that he is not alone. Bipolar disorder can make a person feel completely alone. Tell your closest person that you are always with him, and you are ready to support him fully.
Accept the fact that your closest person’s illness is real. Trying to reduce the symptoms of that beloved person will not make him feel better. At its place, try to say to that person, that being sick is “no big deal,” let him realize that his condition is severe, but it can be treated.
Such as: “I know that you have a disease and because of this you do some things like this, or you make such a thing that is not you. Together we will seek help for this. “
Bring your love and affection to that person. Especially during the episode of depressive, that person may feel that he is not entirely of any kind or impaired.
By ending these negative ideas you can show your love and identity towards that person. Such as: “I love you, and you have a lot of meaning for me. I care about you, and that’s why I want to help you. “
Use “I” statements to reach your failings:
When talking to other people, it is hard to imagine that you are not attacking that close friend. Nor are they judging him. People who have mental illness may be able to do such a thing that the whole world is against them. For this reason, it becomes necessary to show that you are the only side of your closest.
For example, by saying something like that, “I care about you, and because of what I have seen, I am anxious.”
There are some statements that may seem quite defensive. You should also avoid them. For example, avoid saying such things, “I’m trying to help you” or “You have to listen to me.”
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Avoid frightening or frustration:
You can probably worry about the health of your closest person and try to confirm that they can “help in any way” help. However, you should always avoid scaring, bullying, “feeling guilt,” or looking for help to condemn another person. This will make this person’s trust even stronger, that you see something “messy” in them.
Avoiding speaking statements like “You are raising my anxiety” or “Your behavior is very worthless”. These things look like guilt, and maybe they can also humiliate the other person.
Such statements, which try to bring a sense of guilt in other people, they will not be able to help you. As if, “if you really love me, you will seek help” or “think once you are doing what you are doing with our family,” by trying to take advantage of the illicit exploitation of relationships with people suffering from bipolar disorder are often battling emotions of shame and failure. Such things make their emotions even worse.
Avoid intimidation. You cannot force anyone to do what you want to. Saying something like this, “If you are not seeking help for yourself, then I am going to leave you” or “If you do not help yourself, then I will stop paying for your car.” , “It will just put that person in stress, and due to stress, there may be serious mood episodes.
Present this disconcerting as a concern for health:
What is the problem that some people do not know about this that they have any issues. When a Bipolar person manic episode performs experiments, he makes a lot of “high” in response to any problem being faced by him.
Whenever a human being is experiencing depressive episodes, then he understands that something is wrong, but he cannot see any hope for his treatment.
If that person is still refusing to talk about any problem in it, then you can advise him not to “disorder,” but to go to a doctor for the symptoms he felt. For example, you will find that encouraging the person to go to the doctor for insomnia or fatigue; it will be more helpful in looking for help.
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You can look at your health with your closest person as if you are preaching it. To avoid this happening, invite that close person to share his or her fiance with you. Remember: Maybe, you may be affected by this person’s disorder, but this is not about you.
For example, once you share your thoughts with him, then say something like that, “Whatever you are thinking now, would you like to share it with me?”
Do not assume that you know the feeling of that person. To give you a console, it is easy to say, “I know, how are you framing,” but in reality, it does not seem very good to speak.
Say something like this in your place, from which it appears that you are accepting the person’s feelings, without even having to do it yourself, such as: “I understand why you are so frustrated?”
If your close friend is still avoiding accepting the fact that there is something wrong with him, then do not argue about it. You can encourage that close person to take treatment, but you cannot do this.
Do not dismiss the thoughts and feelings of that closest person as “fake” or worth mentioning:
Whether it’s feeling, depressive episodes are not looking any worthy, but it is absolute looks real for that person which they feel. Because of the person’s failure completely, now that next time in the person’s mind, you will never talk about sharing your failings with you. Instead, consider the person’s failings as right, and at the same time, also try their challenge his negative thoughts.
For example, if your close person presents this idea to you, because he is a “bad person,” for this reason, nobody loves him, then say something like this: “I know that you are feeling such a thing and forgive me, which you are filling in this way. I want to tell you that I love you and I think that you are a perfect and caring person. “
Encourage that close person to take a screening test:
Both manic and depression are a sign of a bipolar disorder. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance website offers free, confidential online manic and screening tests for depression.
Taking a confidential test, sitting in someone’s home, is the least-stressed method of understanding the needs of the person.
Emphasize the need for professional help:
Bipolar disorder is a severe disease. Even if it is not treated, even a small form of the disorder can also become very bad. Motivate your beloved close person to seek treatment for a short time.
Going to a General Practitioner is usually considered the first step. A physician may decide that the person has to send it to a psychiatrist or mental health professional.
A Mental Health Professional usually offers psychotherapy as part of the treatment plan. There are many Mental Health Professionals who provide therapy, including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional counselors. Ask your doctor or hospital to confirm the people in your area.
If it is known that it is necessary to take medicines, your close friend can go to a physician, psychiatrist, a psychologist who has a license to prescribe medicines or a psychiatric nurse who receives a prescription. LCSWs and LPCs can offer therapy, but they can not prescribe medication.
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Method 3 – Support Your Loving Close Person
Understand that bipolar disorder is a life-threatening disease:
A combination of medication and therapy can benefit your closest person. Along with the treatment, most of the people who have bipolar disorder have found their function, and their mood improved considerably.
However, there is no “treatment” for bipolar disorder, and its symptoms can also be seen coming out in life. Be patient with just your closest person.
Ask, how can you help
In particular, during depressive episodes, a person with a bipolar disorder can feel like a burden to the whole world. Ask the person; what is this, which would make him a good fit. And if you understand anything to help your closest person feel better, you can also give him some proper advice.
For example, you can see something like that saying, “It looks like you are filling too much stress at this time. If I take care of your children and leave them in the evening at home, then will you get any help from this? “
If that person is taking too much depression, then offer some pleasant distractions to him. Just because the person is sick, do not treat him like this, as you cannot go near him.
If you find your closest person struggling due to the symptoms of depressive symptoms (which are shown everywhere in this article), then try saying something like that, then do not make it a big issue. “I saw that you are getting very bad this week. Would you like to go to see a movie with me?
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Keep track of symptoms:
Keeping an eye on the symptoms of your closest person and keep tracking can help in many ways. First of all, it will act as a warning sign for your closest mood episode.
It can also provide very helpful information for a physician or mental health professional. It will also help you understand the possible triggers for manic or depressive episodes.
In Warning Science for Manic, it includes:
Low sleep, always being “high” or excite being fit, excessive irritability, restlessness, and an increase in the activity level of that person.
The warning signs of depression include:
Fatigue, confusion of sleep habits (sleeping more or less sleep), difficulty in meditation or focus, lack of interest in things to be done by him before, and changes in appetite.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance is a personal calendar for tracking symptoms. This can be helpful for you and your closest people.
Common triggers of mood episodes include stress, substance abuse, and lack of sleep.
Ask whether he has taken his medicines or not:
Some people get help from such a gentle reminder, especially at that time, when they are doing manic episodes, in which they may forget. The person also believes that it is doing better and stops taking medicines.
Help your loved ones stay on track, but do not become like blame. For example, a gentle statement likes, “Did you take your medicines today?”
If your closest person says that he is feeling better, you have to remind him of the benefits of medicines: “I am pleased to hear that, you are starting to feel better now.
I think that’s just great for your medicines. But if medicines are not working, then it will not be good to leave a person in such a way. “
Medicines can take up to several weeks to start work, so if you do not see any improvement in the symptoms of that close human being, then be patient.
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Encourage that person to become healthier:
Having regular prescribing medicines and visiting the therapist, being physically active, can also help reduce the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In people with bipolar disorder, obesity is riskier to grow. Be sure to make a schedule for your closest person in the right way, for good eating, moderating, and sleeping.
People with bipolar disorder often talk about a bad habit of their diet, which does not include regular meals or food for non-healthy food, which may be due to their lack of income after their illness.
Encourage that close person to take a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole granules and lean meats and fish.
By taking omega-3 fatty acids, he can get some help on the symptoms of bipolar disorder. From some studies, it seems that eating omega-3 helps in reducing depression.
Vegetable foods and fish like salmon and tuna, and walnuts, and flaxseed, are good sources of omega-3 that inspire your close person to avoid taking too much caffeine. In people with bipolar disorder, caffeine can trigger some unwanted symptoms.
Encourage that close person to avoid too much alcohol. People with bipolar disorder, take five times more alcohol and other substances compared to the rest of the people with no disorder.
Alcohol is a depressant and can trigger major depressive episodes. Apart from this, some of the prescription medications can also interfere with the effect.
Regular Moderate Exercises, especially that aerobic exercise, can promote human mood and overall functioning with bipolar disorder. It is also important to persuade that close person to undertake regular exercise; People with bipolar disorder often see a decrease in exercise habits.
Take care of yourself too:
Friends and family of people with bipolar disorder should also confirm to take care of their own. If you are troubled by yourself or are in stress, then in such a situation, you will not be able to support your closest person.
Studies have come to know that if your close person is in stress, then the person with bipolar disorder will have more difficulty staying with the treatment plan. Caring for yourself also directly helps your closest person.
A support group may also teach you a lot about how to cope with the disease of your closest person. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offer an online support group and local peer support groups.
Confirm that you are also sleeping a lot, eating well, and doing regular exercises. Such healthy habits can inspire that close person to stay healthy.
Do something to reduce your stress. Understand your limitations, and do not even get help from anyone else if you need it. You also help in reducing the concerns of meditation or activities such as yoga.
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Keep an eye on succulent thoughts or actions:
Thinking of suicide for people with bipolar disorder is a genuine risk. People with bipolar disorder think of committing suicide a lot more than those with depression.
If your close person does something like suicidal, even if he is not doing it the same way, immediately seek help. Do not promise to keep such ideas or actions secret.?
If that person is in danger of any harm, then immediately call it Emergency Services and let it know.
Assure the person that you love him, and you believe that his life also matters, even if the person is still not thinking like this in away.
Do not ask your closest person to think in a particular way. Feels are real, and they cannot change them. In its place, pay attention to the things that they can control. Such as: “I know that it is challenging for you, and I am also happy to see that you are talking to me about this, talk to me. I am with you. “
Bipolar disorder, just like the other mental illness, there is no mistake of any person in it. Neither do you have any clue in your closest person? Treat yourself and your closest person with love and affection.
Do not connect everything to the disease. It is common for you to take care of your near-human illness or to get involved with it all or to add everything to its disease.
Remember, for you, your closest, is far above this disease. He also has his hobbies, passions, and failings. Have fun and teach that close person to live your life too. You can also find a counselor for you or your closest person.
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There is a risk of suicide in people with bipolar disorder. If any of your friends or family members are living with this condition and talking about suicide, then take them seriously and look for a cyclic attachment immediately.
If you can, in difficult circumstances, before calling the police, call a health care professional. There are some cases in which case of death has been witnessed by the involvement of the police when the mental condition of a human being, due to difficulty. Whenever possible, confirm the participation of a person who is trained to handle everything in Mental Health or Psychiatric Crisis.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.