What is the Fear of Failure?
Whatever you fear the most, in reality, that thing is not at all-powerful. Rather, it is your fear, which makes it powerful. Oprah Winfrey has said this & if you want to take inspiration from someone to overcome your fear of failure, then Oprah Winfrey’s advice is right.
She faced many failures & violence in his life, but never let the fear of failure dominate him. Leaving all of this behind, she became a successful actress, philanthropist. You too can climb the ladder of success by overcoming your fear of failure. Learn tips to overcome failure in this article.

What is the fear of failure?
Fear of failure is that fear when you start feeling afraid of losing or failing in the outcome before doing anything or trying anything. Because of this fear, you try to avoid doing that thing & then also eliminate the possibility of being successful.
When you feel afraid of failure, you start to suffer mental & physical health. Because of this, many physical & mental signs start appearing.
Fear of failure & its physical symptoms
These symptoms may appear in your body due to fear of failure.
- Too much sweat
- Rapid heart rate
- Breathlessness
- Digestion problem
- Body warm or cold
- Low or high blood pressure
- Chest pain or tightness
- Tremor
- Dizzziness
Fear of failure & its mental symptoms
The person who is afraid of failure may see these mental symptoms.
- Run out of fear
- Keep worrying
- Feeling weak in fear
- Lose control of the situation
- Scared to die
- Go into depression
- Get away from myself
You do not necessarily have to face these symptoms when you are afraid of failure. It may also happen that you do not have to face any of these symptoms instead of facing any other symptoms.
Also, you have to face more than one of the above signs. Let me tell you, these signs can also be due to some other reason. If you see any of these signs, then contact the doctor & get the appropriate information.

Why is there a fear of failure?
Fear of failure can have many mental & social reasons. Let us talk about these reasons.
Fear of childhood failure
Many times we are afraid of failure because of childhood. Some children are pressurized so much to succeed in childhood or to bring good marks & fear of punishment is given to them, even after growing this fear they remain in their mind & their mind develops in the same way. They also worries more about the loss of failure when he grows up.
Fear of failure due to perfection
Some people are perfect in many things & after a time they want to remain perfect. But, this perfection makes them mentally weak & a victim of failure.
They feel that now if I get a failure by doing something, then my perfected image has become in the society, it will end & in the pressure of maintaining this image, they feel afraid of failure.
Fear of failure due to the ego
In some people, ego destroys all things, such as their happiness, respect, friendship, relationships, & future. With this ego, they have to face the fear of failure. They does not want to lose anyone or anything because of his ego.
They forgets that success & failure are two consequences of trying, which are equal & temporary. This is why he takes great concern before doing anything new.
Fear of failure due to over-confidence or lack of self-confidence
Some people have high self-confidence, which is called overconfidence & because of this, they feel that they should only get success. But, when the situation starts coming out of their hands or their downtime comes, they start to fear failure.
In the same way, some people have very low confidence & feel that they cannot fail in anything & after failing in another thing they will become worse in society.
Ways to overcome the fear of failure
You can take the help of some tips or methods to overcome the fear of failure. Which will help you to overcome this fear & you will also try something new in your life & get success.
You can first seek the help of a psychiatrist to overcome the fear of failure. A psychiatrist can help you overcome or solve your fear by knowing the reasons behind it.
And, You can also take the help of some medicines to cure anxiety & depression due to fear of failure. However, you should consult a doctor about this.
With the help of Yoga, Exercise & Breathing Exercise in your lifestyle, you can get relief from mental problems caused by fear of failure. By doing yoga, exercise improves blood flow in your body, due to which the brain cells get enough oxygen & your mood is happy.
Some other tips
First of all, know what is your goal. After knowing the goal & knowing its importance in your life, the fear of failure will be reduced & you will be able to try your best.
Accept your fears. Don’t think that fear is a bad thing or a weakness. Everyone is scared of something & this is normal. Talk openly about this & ask for help. Everyone feels fear, but the only strength is to overcome fear.
Also, think positively to overcome the fear of failure. Positive thinking will help to overcome your fears & achieve success. You will be able to try better & be happy.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.