Often, some people breathe hard at bedtime and exhale harsh and shrill sounds while exiting; it is called snoring. Snoring is produced when the flow of air causes vibrations in the tissues located in the skin of the throat. Snoring comes while breathing. The sound of snoring can come from anyone, nose or mouth. This sound can start and stop at any time after sleeping. (what is snoring)
Most people snore at some time or the other while sleeping. Snoring is considered normal in most men. The reason for the snoring problem is usually genetic.
If one member of the family snores, then other members are more likely to have this problem. Snoring begins to occur generally as we age.
Snoring problems are seen in about 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women. After the age of 70, the process of snoring in men decreases.

Sleeping on the back makes it more likely to snore. Consumption of alcohol and other drugs makes the muscles of the throat relaxed. Snoring also starts from this. Deposition of mucus due to a cold or other allergies can also cause snoring.
The sound of snoring can be very high; even the person snoring himself can wake up from them. In most cases, people themselves do not know that they snore. Individuals who snore may feel dry mouth and throat irritation after waking from sleep.
Mild snoring does not impede sleep, rapid snoring can cause problems in the body such as obstructive sleep apnea (obstruction of sleep and breathing), sleep deprivation, etc.
Apart from these problems, snoring also poses risks of many types of diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other types of infections. (What is Snoring)
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What is Snoring
How Common is Snoring?
Snoring can kill anyone repeatedly or occasionally. Often, people who do not snore regularly, they may get used to snoring after a viral illness, after drinking alcohol or after consuming any other medicine.
Snoring has nothing to do with the physical structure. Often we think that high snoring can kill a fat person with a thick neck, but a small and thin man who has a thin neck can also snake equally high. In general, the probability of snoring also increases as age and weight increases.
It is estimated that 20 percent of the total adult population is affected by snoring. Sixty percent of whom are above 40 years of age.
Symptoms of Snoring
Snoring is often associated with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, not everyone who snores has OSA. But if any of the following symptoms are observed with snoring, the doctor should not delay in showing them as these may indicate obstructive sleep apnea –
- Nostrils during sleep.
- More sleep during the day.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Morning headache.
- To have a sore throat.
- Sleeplessness.
- Suffocation or gasp at night.
- High blood pressure.
- Chest pain at night.
- Too much voice in snoring (trouble with your sleeping partner).
- Waking up.
Causes of Snoring – Snoring Causes
When the passage through the mouth and nose stops or becomes less, then the snoring situation starts. The following reasons may be due to reduced airflow.
Nasal Airway Blockage
Some people have to snore only during winter or sinus infections. Nasal deformities such as curvature of the septum (wall dividing the nasal passages) or small particles inside the nose can also cause airway obstruction.
Muscle Weakness
When the muscles of the throat and tongue become very calm and relaxed, then their muscles start hanging in the way, and the way stops. This is usually due to deep sleep, high alcohol intake, or taking sleeping pills. It is also a simple matter for the muscles to become sluggish due to aging.
Thickness in Throat tissues
Increased size of throat tissues is often due to obesity. Many times, children whose tonsils or adenoids get bigger size also have problems with snoring. (What is Snoring)
The Size and Softening of the Palette or Uvula
The tissue hanging in the middle of our throat is called uvula tissue. Increasing the size of uvula or soles can cause the opening of the throat from the nose to close. Breathing is produced in the Uvula when exposed to air, which is called snoring.
Prevention of Snoring
Here are Some Tips to Prevent Snoring:
Lose weight if you are obese
Due to being overweight, fat also increases in the throat like other parts of the body. And due to the high number of tissues, snoring can begin. You can stop snoring by losing weight.
Sleep on One Side
Snoring also depends on the way you sleep. Sleeping on the back makes the tongue move backward. This causes the airways to become compressed, and the air is blocked.
Therefore, one should sleep on one side. If you find yourself sleeping on your back every morning, then put a tennis ball with stitching in the upper part, behind your pajamas
Using Nasal Strips
A nasal strip is an adhesive bandage that is applied on both sides of the nose. With the help of a nasal strip, the space inside the nose opens, and there is no obstruction in the air.
It can be used to control snoring. However, for people who have problems like sleep apnea, sometimes this strip does not work for them.
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Treatment of Nasal Blockages
Nasal allergies or abnormalities of the size of the nasal septum (the middle wall of the nose) can also reduce airflow. When this happens, the pressure to breathe through the mouth increases to replenish the air, resulting in snoring.
Spray decongestants (cold medicines) should not be used for more than three consecutive days to correct the accumulation of mucus in the nose. It is essential to consult a doctor before doing so.
Prolonged use may reverse the effects of these drugs, which may further exacerbate nasal problems. If a person is suffering from this blockage of the nose for a long time, with the help of a doctor, you can use a good steroid spray.
Things to Avoid in Snoring
Avoid the Consumption of Alcohol and other Drugs
Do not drink any alcohol or other alcoholic beverages at least two hours before bedtime, and tell the doctor about your subsequent experience.
Alcohol and other drugs put pressure on the nervous system, due to which the muscles start expanding. The throat tissues involved also start spreading and cause snoring. (What is Snoring)
Quit Smoking
Reduction in smoking also reduces the causes of snoring; besides quitting smoking has many other benefits.
Get Enough Sleep
People should have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. The amount of adequate sleep for children also varies with their age. Children of pre-school age should sleep for 10 to 12 hours. School-age children should get at least 10 hours of sleep. And for teenagers, 9 to 10 hours of sleep is necessary. (What is Snoring)
Diagnosis of Snoring:
To assess the snoring problem thoroughly, it is essential to talk with the victim who is sleeping or any member of the household. For diagnosis, doctors can also take information about the diseases and medicines taken by the victim.
The doctor will ask the patient’s partner a few things about the patient – such as, when and how he or she snores – to gauge the severity of the time. If a child has a snoring problem, it is tried to ask his parents about the seriousness of his snoring.
Besides, information about their sleeping patterns can be obtained from patients. Doctors need to know the symptoms of sleeping during the day, sleep due to sleep during the day, or frequency of waking at night.
A complete physical examination can also be done, in which all these will be checked –
- Patient’s weight will be assessed.
- Body mass index (BMI) will be calculated.
- The outer thickness of the neck will be measured.
- The throat, nose, and oral cavity will be tested to see how thin and narrow the airways are.
- Apart from this, your doctor may also ask for some tests to be done.
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Doctors may take some imaging tests of the patient, such as X-rays, computerized tomography scans, or magnetic resonance imaging. All these tests are done to check air obstruction from nose and mouth.
Sleep Study
To know about snoring and their symptoms, doctors can take help of sleep study. This study is done after the patient sleeps, and often doctors come to the patient’s home to complete it.
An in-depth analysis of a patient’s sleep habits can be done by a team of doctors during a sleep study, depending on the patient’s other medical problem or symptoms of sleep. In such a situation, the patient may need to stay in a sleep state overnight. This is called polysomnography.
In polysomnography, the patient is left at night for inspection through multiple devices at bedtime. A sleep study records brain waves, oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, breathing speed, and eye and foot movements with the help of machines while the patient is sleeping. (What is Snoring)
Snoring Treatment – Treatment of Snoring
Sometimes by making some lifestyle changes, the problem of snoring can be relieved. If it does not make a difference, then it can be got rid of by getting treatment.
Lifestyle Changes –
For the problem of snoring, doctors also advise patients to make lifestyle changes first, which include some such tips –
- Lose weight if the patient is overweight
- Quit drinking or reduce alcohol (especially 3 or 4 hours before bedtime)
- Quit smoking
- Exercising regularly (exercising will keep the throat cells active and give the body strength to fight blockages).
Techniques for Snoring Control –
Sleeping on the back can increase the problem of snoring, so sleeping on the side is better. You can use this technique to create a habit of sleeping on the side –
- In a t-shirt, sew a pocket between the two shoulders backward
- Put a tennis ball in it
- Because of the ball, you will not be able to sleep on your back
Ear Plugs
If your snoring habit is not affecting your health, give your partner to apply earplugs. Because this will not make the snoring sound of your partner, it is a cheap and easy way to solve the problem.
Anti Snoring Device (Snoring Prevention Device)
If the lifestyle changes are not relieved, then the anti-snoring device can be used. These are snoring control devices that match a good market. Some similar tools are explained below. (What is Snoring)
Nasal Device
If the snoring sound is mostly coming from the nose, then “Nasal Strip” can be used. It is an adhesive bandage which is carried on both the sides of the nose while taking it, and it does not make the airways of the nose narrow.
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Oral Device
Oral. If the sound of snoring is mainly coming from the mouth, then chin strip and vestibular shield can be beneficial for you. Of these, the chin strip is placed under the chin, that is, it prevents the mouth from opening at bedtime. And the vestibular shield is a shield like a device which also helps in preventing the opening of the mouth at night.
Mandibular Advancement Device
This is called MAD. If snoring is mainly due to throat tremor, then it is advisable to use MAD. This device is similar in appearance to the vestibular shield but is designed to hold the tongue and jaw forward. This does not make the airways of the throat narrow, and there is no problem in passing air. (What is Snoring)
Although snoring is treated by regular means, if the problem becomes severe like difficulty in breathing, then surgery may also be needed. Below are some of the methods used in this problem.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
This method is often used in the problem of snoring caused by obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP is considered to be the most reliable and effective method for treating obstructive sleep apnea. Some people feel difficulty sleeping because of their noise.
Palatal Implants
This process is also known as Pillar or Pillar process. The doctor injects a few strands of polyester into the soft palate, which makes the palate slightly stiff and does not hang.
This reduces obstruction in the airways and ends snoring problem. Palatal implants have no side effects, although research is still being done into its safety. (What is Snoring)
Traditional Surgery
This procedure is also called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty / UPPP. During this surgery, the patient is given anesthesia. During operation, the doctors trim (cut) the throat tissues and tighten them. There are risks of bleeding, infection, pain and nasal congestion, etc. in this surgery.
Laser Surgery
This is known as laser-assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. It is an outpatient surgery to treat a latent. In this, doctors remove the extra tissue from the palette with the help of a small laser beam to allow air to pass. After this, the patient may take at least one session to control snoring.
Radio-frequency Tissue Ablation
This surgery is called somnoplasty and is also an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is also given in this. Doctors use low-intensity radio-frequency signals to remove excess tissue from the palate.
By which the throat is opened, and the snoring sounds are eliminated. This is a new technique, and its effect is yet to be researched. This procedure of surgery, in general, is less painful than other methods. (What is Snoring)
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Snoring Risks & Complications
The risk associated with snoring: –
Snoring habits can lead to serious health problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes many serious issues, such as: –
It occurs for a few seconds to a minute. Something in the throat path or complete blockage at bedtime
Waking Up Again and Again
In this, the patient keeps waking up from sleep, again and again, even at times, he is unable to feel it.
Light Sleep
Frequent wakefulness interferes with normal sleep, due to which more time is spent sleeping on light sleep as compared to deep sleep.
Heart Stress
Prolonged obstructive sleep apnea can increase blood pressure, and also increase the size of the heart. Along with this, there are many risks such as heart attack and stroke.
Lack of Sleep
Sleepiness or drowsiness in the daytime due to lack of sleep at night. In such a situation, there are naps during the day, which increases the risk of car or bike accidents. (What is Snoring)
Complications Related to Snoring: –
Snoring habits, in addition to interrupting the partner’s sleep, may cause problems. If the issue of snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, then there may be some complications including:
- Sleep in the day
- Frequent anger and frustration of the patient
- Difficulty concentrating
- Risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke
- Problems in behavior such as being excited,
- Trouble reading children with apnea
- Sleepiness during the day due to lack of sleep at night, leading to road accidents
What to avoid During Snoring?
Some things are necessary for victims of snoring problems, some of which are: –
Do Not Take Sleeping Pills
Some patients may be advised to take sleeping pills, but cautiously. Because people who have snoring problems, their throat tissue becomes loose after taking these medicines, which causes snoring problems.
Avoid Heavy Meals at Night
Do not eat heavy meals at night because our body takes more time to digest it, and the process of digestion relaxes the tissues of the throat. One should avoid eating high-fat dairy foods like ice cream etc. before bedtime. Milk products also expel mucus. (What is Snoring)
Do Not Eat Spicy Food at Night
Sour belts start coming from the spicy food, and they also cause snoring.
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Don’t Smoke
Smoking or being in contact with someone who smokes relaxes the muscles and tissues of the throat. Smoking causes mucous deposits in the nose and lungs. If you smoke, then you can find many reasons to quit it, one of which is snoring problem.
Do Not Drink Alcohol Before Bedtime
Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the throat due to which problems of snoring start. Drinking alcohol produces snoring sounds from the throat at bedtime.
Do Not Take Antihistamines
If you have a stuffy or puffy nose, it is an excellent option to open it instead of antihistamines. It is a traditional medicine that works very well – taking steam with eucalyptus. Boil some water to add steam, add some eucalyptus oil or some fresh leaves. And steam it after 2 minutes. (What is Snoring)
What To Eat During Snoring?
Know What To Eat If You Have Snoring Problem: –
It is considered very good for snoring individuals to eat fish instead of eating red meat.
Soy milk?
For snoring patients, soy milk is considered better than cow’s milk.
Tea eliminates the accumulation of mucus and phlegm in the body. As a result, snoring can be relieved.
A mixture of honey with tea should be consumed before bedtime, which strengthens the throat muscles and reduces snoring.
It fights against inflammation. By its use, the path can be cleared by removing unnecessary swelling in the throat, which can provide relief in snoring.
Its aroma may not be liked, but the onion is considered a life-saving medicine for snoring problem. (What is Snoring)
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.