Social Media Obsession and Stress
Today everyone is connected to social media in some form. Some people are fond of posting their pictures, while others post every minute of their routine. Some people want to share knowledge and some want to vent their anger on something or the other. (Social Media Obsession and Stress)
On the matter of keeping themselves updated, always connected with friends and relatives, most of the people who are online all the time looking for someone for chatting.
You may tell such people to be addicted to it, but somewhere in the world of reality, these people are so lonely that they go out in search of relationships in the digital world.
After all, why are people so lonely that there is no one around them to share their happiness and sorrow and they start searching for a partner on social sites for themselves? Such people are more victims of social site addiction.

Resort To Loneliness
To overcome the loneliness of their life, people start resorting to chatting and in this way, they also start looking for their partner through chatting.
Youngsters get involved in social media in such a way that they are cut off from the outside world. They find the digital world and its relationship so fascinating that gradually they find they are real-world boring.
This is the reason that whenever they have to take a break from the digital world or they are not getting a relationship there, then they find the real world even more lonely.
They develop frustration, depression and irritability, a result of which they then move to the same digital world and find new relationships to overcome their loneliness. It is a beautiful illusion.
At first, we feel that we are lonely, then social media is the most effective means of removing our loneliness, but when we start getting caught in it, then we feel that it is increasing rather than removing loneliness. (Social Media Obsession and Stress)
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People Around You Get Less Contact
People who feel more lonely and depressed spend more time on social sites, as they become less exposed to people around them. They get clipped by talking face-to-face, that is, people come to the social world intending to remove their loneliness and it increases their loneliness more than that.
Possibility of Fraud In Digital Relationships
There is no doubt that fraud is most likely in digital relationships as anyone can easily fool you here. Its victims are mostly young women because you are not able to see the expression of the person you are chatting with.
You do not test her words correctly. Not only this, anyone can hide their identity and keep friendship with you for a long time and can take advantage of you.
To overcome the loneliness after the breakup, women often become active with the desire to share their pain on social media and they like to befriend new people.
Interesting things, people with similar thoughts, exchanging laughs and humming moments, and commenting on the things written in the same way that makes their words even more assertive, like things they like.
It Is Important To Be Cautious
When they start feeling good, they start chatting and they feel like they have found the right partner to share their loneliness but when that person’s reality opens, they feel cheated.
She starts doing So, whenever you find a relationship on social media, check it properly or else it will make you even more lonely. It is okay that social media is a good platform, but coming here and finding a relationship in a hurry can be overwhelming. So you must be careful.
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There Are More Ways
If you are lonely in the real world or you have just had a breakup, be patient. Give yourself time, pay attention to your hobbies and find other means to set your mind as there are more ways to forget the sorrow, but often people become more active on social media after a breakup or get out of their boring married life.
Some Spices in life come here intending to add. Therefore, it would be better to convert your loneliness into creativity. After some time the feeling of loneliness will begin to subside. (Social Media Obsession and Stress)
Smartphone Increases The Risk Of Depression In Children
In this era of technology, social media and smartphones have become an important part of life. But do you know that the risk of depression is increasing among the youth due to its use?
Research of an American university reveals many startling figures. According to Facebook executives, Millennials (youngsters growing up in the 90s) check their smartphones an average of 150 times a day.
Recent research by San Diego State University in the US has revealed that there has been an increase in suicide cases among children and adolescents in the last decade.
Between 15 and 19 years of age, between 2007 and 2015, there has been a 31 percent increase in suicide cases, while in girls it is double.
Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego University and author of the book ‘iGen’, states that children using smartphones are less happy than children who were earlier. They have told that children who spend more time with gadgets are more prone to mental problems.
The youth is seen sliding on the smartphone screen with fingers. Many people wake up late at night to watch pictures on Instagram for hours and watch videos on YouTube.
Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007 since then such addiction has become increasingly common among people. (Social Media Obsession and Stress)
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Excessive use of smartphones can cause sleep problems.
Gene Twenge researched more than 5,00,000 youth using Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. Such youth are worried about their future. Such youngsters were heard saying such a thing – ‘the future is not right’ or ‘I think I can do nothing’
However, Jean Twenge does not claim in his study that there is a direct connection between smartphones and depression. There may be some other reason behind the problem of increasing depression in teenagers.
In a study published in 2016, a group of teenagers was selected and they were stopped using Facebook for a week, while other groups were asked to continue using Facebook.
At the end of the week, it was seen that compared to those who used Facebook continuously, less depression was seen among those who had stopped using Facebook.
The mobile craze among youth
In Asia too, there is a great craze among the youth about mobiles. Then whether it is a flash sale on online shopping sites or new models launching every other day.
According to the survey conducted by CSDS for youth in 2016, 59% of youth are crazy behind the latest mobile. While only 34 percent of the youth used to have mobile phones in 2007, today this figure has reached 81 percent.
Rehab centers have also started in some cities to rid the addiction of the Internet and mobile among the youth. (Social Media Obsession and Stress)
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.