To simplify your life, there is no need for complication. For simplicity, you need to take some steps while making your life more balanced. Eradicating clutter, staying balanced, simplifying your relationships, and slowly understanding the small things keeps the sobriety in life.
How do you simplify your life in 2020?
25 Ways To Simplify Your Life
Method 1 – Eliminate clutter
Decide to remove unnecessary items.
?Identifying the crucial things in life should remove the rest. If you have to go and take all your stuff in a short time, then think about what items you will keep and which you will leave, and keep only the most essential things.
Understand the use of any item before placing it: If you do not see any use of any object, then go and donate it directly to someone so that another person can use it.
Generally, if you have not used any Vastu for 18 months, then it is inevitable that you will not use it later.
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Keep cleaning the house from time to time:
Turn around the house and test everything and think about whether it is needed in the coming days. If it is not, remove it.
Especially, clean the place like the kitchen and living room. There is a lot of stuff in these places, which is of no use.
Begin to clean up the mess by removing unnecessary things. This will free up space and make it easier to clean the dirt. (Simplify Your Life)
Clean every season:
Cleaning several times a year is very important. This cleans the accumulated dust, pet hair, and the rest of the garbage in the house. Along with this, wash the carpet thoroughly, clean the toilets, and clean the window doors from time to time.
Keep your desk clean and try to have at least paper in there. Reduce paper usage and digitize essential documents.
Decrease clothes from the wardrobe:
Choose your favorite clothes and donate the remaining clothes. If you do not fit any clothes or have not been wearing them for a long time, give them to someone in need.
The best way to separate the clothes is to keep them according to the season. If it is summer, pick up winter clothes and store them in a clean place.
Set up a cell, collecting unnecessary things. Do not hesitate to donate the remaining items after the sale.
Before buying anything new from the market, think:
- Buy goods according to need.
- Before buying anything new, ask yourself:
- “I need this?”
- “Is there a more permanent option?”
- “Have I already been provided such a product or service by a family member or friend?”
Avoid buying new books. If you use the book again after reading it, then definitely buy it.
If not necessary, do not buy more household items.
Find out about the agency in your city that provides equipment on rent. With this, you can return the equipment after purchase without using it.
The other aspect of this is that you can also share the product with your friends, family, and neighbors. This will save you from buying and storing new things. (Simplify Your Life)?

Make the cut:
Get used to the cut. Buy less, but buy better. And put the remaining money in your account so that they can be useful in your difficult times.
Rent a house better than buying it. This will save you from any repair or any other problem in the home.
Review your priorities and buy items accordingly. Make sure that the item you buy can be used in many ways.
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Generate a space:
Having a space in your house, office, or room gives you a feeling of comfort and simplicity. Do not make the walls of the house more entertaining than necessary; keep them clean and tidy.
Space does not mean it should be white, take care of cleanliness. Everything doesn’t need to be white; you can also make your living room comfortable and effective by using natural wood, exposed brick, or other patterns.
Make your bed every day:
To make your room clean, beautiful, and simple, it is essential to keep your bed correctly. By doing this, your room will be visible.
Follow a set routine. With this, you will finish every work in the prescribed time.
How can you simplify your life?
Method 2 – Get organized
Schedule tasks well in advance:
There is no use to work at the last minute. And there is no enjoyment of working with more stress.
There is no need to change this habit if you have a habit of deferring work, and despite that, your work is going well. To finish your work, set the deadline and complete the work in it.
If you are under stress regarding tasks, then try to do them before the time. Restrain any work without stopping it in between. (Simplify Your Life)
Divide household chores equally:
It is the right choice to distribute household chores such as washing utensils and clothes, cooking, cleaning, etc. equally among the members of the household. By doing this, you will not be stressed, and you will be able to do your work easily.
Divide different tasks by day. Prepare the list of tasks and give them to everyone so that the work is known.
Divide different works according to desire. If you are not interested in doing any work, then do it to another member. This will not stress you and will also complete the task.

Make your finances simple and effective:
Nothing is more complicated than money. Prepare a budget for the correct use of money and calculate the expenses according to your income. Spend the money according to a plan and also save.
Set the bills to debit automatically from your account.
Consider saving money too. Avail more savings by spending less.? ?
Make a specific place for everything:
- Before buying anything, make a fixed place for it. If you struggling for a place to keep it, think before buying it.
- Keeping the stuff in your designated place will keep you calm and avoid last-minute panic.
- Pick up any object from its designated place and after use, place it back in its place.
- If you have clothes on your couch, this is a cluttered way to keep clothes. If your room is organized, then only you will not hesitate to call your friends.
- You should enjoy them with satisfaction with the goods available with you.
- At all times, constant efforts should be made to organize things.
Try to cook the food quickly:
Avoid cooking for a long time in the kitchen. Find such recipes through the Internet that can be prepared soon. Try to cook quickly using the ingredients present at home. This allows you to spend some more time with your family. (Simplify Your Life)
Make your upbringing easy:
Children will never learn to work by picking up dirty clothes or toys. It is okay for the children to work for some time, but after that, they should come to arrange their things.
The children should keep on giving some work after a short time.
Give the children time to play after school. If the children are unable to do any work, then give them time to complete it.
How do you downsize and simplify your life?
Method 3 – Simplify your relationships
End bad relationships:
There is no point in running bad relationships. Therefore, they should be abolished for a pleasant life.
Such friends who waste time mocking you all the time and hurting self-respect should leave their company soon.
To leave the company of such people, at least meet them and slowly leave them.
People who give some excellent messages every time or encourage you in life should try to spend more time with them. It is okay to live with people who provide you with happiness and energy.
There is constant change in relationships. It is vital that you choose your friends and companions very carefully. Understand emotions and relationships easily. (Simplify Your Life)
Change the habit of saying “yes” to every task:
It is important to improve the habit of saying yes to every task. By giving consent for everything all the time, people will try to abuse you. Therefore give your permission only after thinking.
To make your life simple, you must be assertive.
Spend too much time with yourself.
Maintaining different relationships becomes complicated. Sometimes we forget about ourselves and simplify life by taking care of the feelings of others. So if you think more about yourself, then it is not wrong to do so.
If you want to see a place, do not hesitate to go alone.
Romantic relationships often become challenging over time. It is crucial to keep in touch with each other to remove the difficulties. Never try to change another person. (Simplify Your Life)
Do not waste time on social networking all the time. Use them only when you have free time.
If you want to succeed in some cause, then you have to leave social media altogether. By doing this, your attention will remain focused in the right place.
How do you use technology personally to simplify your life?
Method 4 – It is not necessary to complete every task quickly
Try to remove your phone.
It is not wise to use the phone all the time. Try to remove the phone for some time.
When you are with close friends or family, use the phone sparingly. By this, you will be able to pay more attention to the people close to you than focusing on the phone.
Most people face FOMO (fear of missing out). Under its pressure, one feels unwanted stress in life. The fear of being left behind in this keeps haunting you every moment. Remember that you only do one thing at a time in life. By sharing lots of space, you will not be able to give full time on either side. (Simplify Your Life)
Avoid reading manuals, books, and blogs for self-improvement:
Do not try to run your life according to the views of others. There is no need to be proficient in everything. Have faith in yourself and do the work you can do well with all your heart.
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Work according to a manageable list:
- By creating a manageable list, try to complete tasks according to priority. With this, you will successfully finish every day’s work and week’s work.
- Prepare the list keeping long-term goals and plans in mind. Doing this will help to organize the time ahead. List your goals according to priority and review them periodically.
- You are keeping in mind your achievements, record every hour of the day. By doing this, you will be able to control time more thoroughly.
- To motivate yourself, one should praise your achievements.
Manage electronic devices:
- Remove software that is not in use on your computer. Check your equipment periodically.
- Do not use electronic devices for a long time.
- Try to keep the inbox empty. After reading the email, if it is not useful, destroy it immediately.
Focus on one task at a time:
- Avoid multi-tasking. Complete one job well at a time.
- Only after completing the work well, focus your attention elsewhere.
- Do every work with pleasure, no matter how common or common.
- Whatever work is scheduled at that time, it should be done at that time. For example, one should eat while eating and only work during work. (Simplify Your Life)
Leave the office work in the office itself.
- Try to finish the office work soon and do not bring the office work at home. Take few short breaks several times a day to keep stress away.
- To reduce stress and simplify your life, make a habit of finishing work early. This will allow you more time for the rest.
- Working on weekends can damage the balance of your life.
Meditate for only 15 minutes every day.
Doing this every day will reduce your stress level and keep you calm while making your life easier. For some time, sit in a comfortable place and concentrate on your breath. (Simplify Your Life)
Reduce your worries. Nothing changes with worrying and stress increases in life.
When you face a situation, ask yourself what the right option can be to deal with it. Only when you get the correct answer, proceed.
Consider good options for pets.
One should not hide oneself to show others.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.