Take A Nature Pill In Stress


You always hear that nature has a profound effect on your mind or you may have also heard that if you are ever in stress, join nature, but there was no evidence of this till now. Recent research has been published in General named ‘Frontiers in Psychology,’ according to which, by walking for at least twenty minutes a day or sitting in a place where you feel close to nature, to create straws inside you then the levels of hormones can be reduced to a great extent. (Nature Pill In Stress)

Take A Nature Pill In Stress

How Many Doses Of Nature Are Enough?

Researchers have researched for the first time how many doses of nature should be taken to reduce the stress caused by modernity.

According to University of Michigan Associate Professor Dr. Mary Carroll Hunter, to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, one must spend at least twenty minutes in nature, and the person can spend more time, such as thirty minutes. This hormone can be seen to decline even more rapidly. And this is called “Nature Pill”.

Click Here To Read: Top 25 Ways To Reduce Stress – How To Reduce Stress

How Was This Study Done?

The study was carried out for eight weeks, during which participants had to take “nature pill” at least three times a week for more than ten minutes. Saliva samples of cortisol were tested every two weeks before and after the nature pill.

Participants were given the freedom to choose the time, duration, and place, provided they felt close to nature. Participants were asked to reduce stress influencing factors such as taking nature pill day by day, avoiding aerobics exercises, using less social media, keeping a distance from the Internet and phone calls as much as possible.

Dr. Hunter also stated that the participant’s flexibility was approved during the experiment, which included their normal routine. This was done to know how many doses of nature pill is enough to reduce stress.

This experiment can be used as an instrument that can assess how Age, Gender, Seasons, Physical Capability, and Cultural Influence affect the experience of Nature on anyone.

If you are in stress, you can also reduce your stress with nature pill.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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