How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months – Can I lose 14 kg in 2 months?

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Can I lose 14 kg in 2 months? Yes you can!

Losing weight may seem like a challenging goal, but in reality, you can learn how to lose 14 kg in two months by wisely incorporating food and exercise into your daily routine. To lose that much weight in nine weeks, you will need a plan and dedication, but if you are determined once in your mind, then you can achieve the goal. Let’s know how to lose 14 kg in two months.

How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months

Method 1 – Make A Weight Loss Plan

  1. Know What You Have In Store:

Doing It This Way Is Hardly Motivating But It Helps To Chase The Weight Loss Goal:

Thirty pounds in two months (14 kg) is very challenging to lose weight. Trained doctors and dieticians believe that losing 1 to 2 pounds (.45 to 1 kg) of weight per week is health-appropriate.

But if you are losing 3 pounds (1.5 kg) per week for nine weeks, then you reduce your weight loss goal even faster. However, it is possible to lose 14 kilograms in two months, although it is different whether it is right for health.

To lose weight healthily, the importance of fat accumulation has to be reduced without provoking the “starving response.” When you reduce your intake of calories too much, then your body feels that you are hungry, this causes weight loss from muscles instead of fat, and this is not a good thing.

In general, it is tough to lose weight even by eating less. When you ultimately reduce your calorie intake, your body has to go through tough times to lose weight. This concept is called “diet-induced adaptive thermogenesis.”

Perhaps, it is a process necessary to survive or maybe it is a measure to maintain available body weight for our body. Whatever it may be, it seems strange to hear that you need to take calories to lose weight. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Know How Many Calories You Burn To Lose Weight:

One pound contains 3500 calories. This means that to lose one pound of weight, you need to burn more than 3500 calories than calories taken in a day. This is a lot of calories.

For example, you can expect to lose between 100 and 125 calories by running for a mile at a semi-comfortable pace. At this speed, a pound of weight can reduce by run more than a mile or a marathon.

People who run marathons daily lose up to 7 pounds during that typical race, but most of that lost weight (about 6 pounds) is a water who come out of the body via sweat.

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How do I lose weight in 2 months?

  1. Learn About Other Ingredients Involved In Weight Loss:

Luckily, humans can lose weight in many different ways. These include muscle loss, fat loss, and water loss. The loss of weight during two months is due to loss of water, and it is okay. If you incorporate regular exercise and a heavy exercise routine along with your healthy lifestyle, you will be able to achieve your goal.

  1. Set A Weekly Or Monthly Goal To Keep Yourself Motivated:

Many people start exercising and fail to see results immediately. When they plan to lose more than 15 pounds of weight, many types of stalemate are incomparably discouraged.

They soon give up because their goal is too high and the results are too low. Victims of this dieting dilemma should instead of giving up, divide their goals into more manageable parts so that even if you fail to get immediate results, at least you are not discouraged and do not give up your goal.

If you want to lose 14 kg in two months, make small goals to lose 7 kg every month or 1.5 kg every week. Losing 14 kg of weight may seem daunting. Losing 7 kg of weight seems more manageable, and losing 1.5 pounds of weight appears to be feasible. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

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Method 2 – Get Basic Dieting Or Dietary Advice

  1. Calculate The Basal Metabolic Rate And Consume Fewer Calories Than The Calories You Spend:

The basal metabolic rate is a calculation that typically calculates the calories you burn in a day. Instead it is a part of a meal prepared of 2000 calories per day.

As stated earlier, the key to weight loss is to consume fewer calories than calories consumed during the day. To do this, it is crucial to know how many calories you burn or spend in a day.

Calculating your BMR or basal metabolic rate is very easy. Type “basal metabolic rate” in a search engine and enter your gender, age, length, weight, and pregnancy status.

  1. Don’t Skip Meals:

Since the key to successful dieting is to consume fewer calories than the calories you spend, this method does not include skipping meals. Skipping meals is a possible trigger of starvation reaction and stop eating food by being tempted by more greed.

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Custom Keto Diet

  1. Eat Lean Protein:

A high protein diet is essential for weight loss. Studies show that contestants who eat fewer calories through a high protein diet have seen greater happiness and experience greater satisfaction than they did before starting such a diet. Sources of high protein include:

  • Lean meats like turkey and chicken breast.
  • Fish like tuna.
  • Lean dairy such as skim milk, cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt.
  • Soya-products such as tofu.
  • Beans, legumes such as beans and pulses.
  1. Prefer Complex Carbohydrate Over Ordinary Carbohydrate.

There is a difference between complex and simple carbohydrate. Common carbohydrates such as white bread, soda pop, and cookies have a simple chemical composition that our body digests relatively quickly; And most of its excess is stored in the form of fat.

Complex carbohydrates such as gimmick, brown rice, and zucchini have a more complex chemical structure and are digested in the body after a long period.

That is, you have a feeling of the full stomach for a long time, which reduces the possibility that the carbohydrate you eat will accumulate as fat. When you have to choose between simple and complex carbohydrates, choose complex carbohydrates:

  • Choose whole-grain bread instead of white bread.
  • Choose whole-grain pasta instead of “normal” pasta.
  • And choose brown rice over white rice.
  • Choose vegetables like broccoli instead of starch-rich potatoes.
  • Always choose nuts, beans, and beans over sugars, sodas, and sweets.
  1. Choose Healthy Fats Instead Of Unhealthy Fats.

Not all fats should be discarded. Broadly speaking, there are two types of “healthy” fat and two types of “unhealthy” fat. Including some healthy fat in your diet can help you stay fit even after losing weight.

“Mono” and “polyunsaturated fat”:

Mono and polyunsaturated fat are considered healthy fats for humans and can be safely added to the diet. Examples of mono-saturated fats include avocado, nuts, olive, and pumpkin seeds. Examples of polyunsaturated fats are omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon fish and flax seeds.

Avoid “saturated” and “trans-fats”:

These fats are not only bad for cholesterol levels, which increases your chances of getting cardiovascular diseases, but they also provide no real nutritional benefits. Is When you are dieting, you should especially stay away from them.

  1. Eat A Balanced Diet.

Even when you eat a healthy diet, it is possible to consume more of a particular type of food and ignore the health benefits of other types of food.

So if you want to lose weight, keep a right balance in your diet by taking fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts, fish and lean meats. Especially try to stay away from fatty foods, highly cooked foods, snack foods, sweets, and baked cheese. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

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Method 3 – Start With A Special Diet

  1. Lose weight easily with the Smoothie Diet (and keep it off  FOR GOOD):

This is hands down the best, healthiest, safest, most satisfying diet I’ve ever found to help you blast through fat and reach your goal weight.

 The Smoothie Diet was created by Drew Sgoutas, a Board Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Expert.

The plan is simple. For 21 days, you swap out two of your three meals with delicious, hearty, nutrient-dense smoothies. That’s it.

You can still have snacks and one whole food based meal throughout the day, and you won’t have to stress about planning them since the Smoothie Diet guide includes sample meals and snacks (plus vegetarian options).

If you choose, you can use a “flex day” every week where you just eat three healthy, meals (they’re all spelled out inside the Smoothie Diet). This way, it’s very convenient.

Collectively, Coach Drew has helped his Smoothie Diet community lose more than 40,000 pounds – and KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF.

 Here’s a breakdown of what you get with The Smoothie Diet.

  • 36 delicious, filling smoothie recipes to help you blast through fat and lose weight, consistently, without feeling deprived
  • Weekly shopping lists to make it simple to stay on track
  • A 21-day rapid fat loss plan that tells you which smoothie to have when for maximum results.
  • Smoothie making tips and prep guide so you can be prepared (and not reach for sugar when 4 p.m. cravings hit)
  • A 60-page guide to tell you everything you need to know to succeed on the program.
  • A Quick-start guide to make it easy to begin
  • A 3-Day detox plan (this is optional) to help you drop the first few pounds asap

Why is the Smoothie Diet so effective?

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. This Smoothie Diet cuts out all the awful foods that are making you gain weight while boosting your metabolism, cutting your cravings, and reducing your caloric intake (without ever leaving you hungry).

Plus, the Smoothie Diet is insanely convenient. Convenience is the single biggest factor that leads to diet success or failure. If something is hard, you’re unlikely to stick with it. If it’s a breeze, then why wouldn’t you follow through?

The best thing about the Smoothie Diet is that it helps you KEEP LOSING WEIGHT even after the 21 days are over. Many of Drew’s clients choose to swap out one meal per day with a smoothie for a few more weeks or months. And since it’s already a habit and you already love the smoothies, it’s easy to keep going until you hit your goal weight.

Whether you want to lose 10 lbs. or 70 lbs., you’ll be able to make it happen with The Smoothie Diet.

  1. Adopt A South Beach Diet:

Although the south beach diet is similar to the Atkins diet, there are two differences to note:

The South Beach Diet prohibits “unhealthy” fat but prompts adjustments to healthy fat.

The South Beach Diet does not count carbohydrates. Instead, it only encourages dieters to take carbohydrates with low sugar or low glycemic index. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Lose Weight With The Mediterranean Diet:

This diet motivates dieters to eat Mediterranean foods that are commonly eaten in Spain, Italy, Greece. Many people from these areas eat them regularly:

  • Medium amounts of fish and poultry and small amounts of red meat.
  • Many seasonal plant foods and vegetables.
  • Fresh fruit as a dessert.
  • Olive oil.
  • Cheese and yogurt as main dairy foods.
  • Small to medium amounts of wine.

  1. Use Weight Watchers Pro-points:

Weight Watchers Supporter or Weight Watchers is a popular weight loss program in which anyone can sign up. In this, they give pro-points based on several important factors such as age, gender, and weight. A person is allowed to eat any food items within the relaxation of his given points.

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  1. Become A Vegetarian:

Although it is not a traditional diet, when it comes to losing weight, there are many benefits to becoming a vegetarian. Studies have found that vegetarians lose weight in less than five years compared to those who eat meat.

Also, since you are a vegetarian, it does not necessarily mean that you eat the right foods. Do it, despite being a staunch vegetarian and many junk foods cause weight gain. Think about becoming a vegetarian, if you think it will help you eat healthily. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

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Method 4 – Get Basic Exercise Advice

  1. Maintain Consistency:

Do some exercise every day. It is essential to maintain consistency to lose weight. Always walking around during your day, play sports, or do other activities that will help you in your time of weight measurement for two reasons:

Instead of one significant change, you will lose a little weight over time. It is easier to lose 6 pounds of weight per day. Exercise twice daily or twice a week and lose 1 pound or 0.45 kg of weight per day.

  1. Exercise With A Friend:

An activity with a friend is an excellent way to keep yourself highly motivated. When your friend is waiting for you to come to the gym, it becomes challenging to skip exercise even for a day. Not only this, but this is the best chance to strengthen your relationship with your friend. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Adopt Interval Training:

This involves prolonging short bursts of distasteful activities and is particularly useful in burning calories. For example, a distance of one mile. Instead of circling the track four times at a uniform speed, run three times at regular speed around the track and run as fast as possible for the fourth time.

Interval training is not only more effective in burning calories than traditional exercise, but it is also more efficient.

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  1. Exercise When You Have The Most Energy:

Some people are active like a bird in the morning, then some people are like night owls and take a little more time to increase their speed. Whatever type of person you are, whenever you can start, then try to exercise.

You don’t need to exercise only when you are suffering from obesity. If you start exercising at the right time, you will get a lot of benefits in the future. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Keep Your Motivation Close To Your Heart:

You want to lose weight quickly. Whatever the reason for losing weight, keep it close to your heart, and whenever you feel that you cannot do it, then you will be motivated to move forward.

There will be a time when you will want to give up your weight loss goal in the middle, and you will feel that you have done everything you could and the desire to leave the goal will be very intense. At that time, you will need to uplift your motivation or keep yourself always encouraged. Your inspiration can be:

A friend or a member of the family:

Maybe you can lose weight only by being inspired by them.

A commercial athlete:

Maybe you always want to look like them.

Remedy or cause:

Maybe you are very concerned about improving your health and want to experience better every day.

As a challenge:

Because you know you can do this.

  1. Get Enough Sleep:

Researchers at the University of Chicago found that people who slept 8.5 hours a night were able to lose 55 percent more body fat than those who slept 5.5 hours. Ghrelin hormone can increase the appetite of the person, which can affect the fat stored in the body. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

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Method 5 – Choose Specific Exercise

  1. Do Aerobics, Cardio, or any other exercise you like.

Cardio offers many particular health benefits, along with the best ways to lose weight and burn fat. It improves respiration, gives strength to the heart muscle, reduces depression, and reduces stress. Here are some cardio exercises by which you can try to lose weight fast:

  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Boxing
  • Walking
  1. Try To Play Team Sports.

Team sports are great for encouraging people to go the extra mile because it gives a lot of exercises. Most of the time, people who keep themselves busy in the competitive aspect of the game burn a lot of calories in many hours.

Join a local internal team or play with your friends or colleagues by forming your team. Here are some popular sports that are good for burning calories:

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Play Basketball:

It is said that running on the playground helps burn 812 to 946 calories per hour.

Play Soccer:

This sport is notorious for its grueling speed and constant running, but by playing soccer, you can burn 740 to 860 calories per hour.

Playing Hockey:

Being a purely physical sport, playing hockey can help burn around 500 calories per hour.

Play Football:

Although it is difficult to say precisely how many calories can be burned by playing football, according to a general estimate, players of 200 pounds playing football burn 900 calories.

  1. Play A Solo Game:

Test your determination and stability with a single game. Singles games are played in many ways that show you how much you want to go towards your goal.

These are tests in which you have to run your body on a line, but to show it, walk on it with something. If you succeed in this, you get fame, or in our case, there is a reduction in calories.

Do Rock Climbing.

Although it does not sound like a workout like a basketball or a soccer, rock climbing can reduce calories. As expected, 810 to 940 calories each burn on intense rock climbing.

Do Skiing Or Snowboarding:

It is expected to burn anywhere from 640 to 980 calories per hour.

Play Tennis:

Tennis can be a tiring sport. Tennis can help burn around 400 calories per hour, with mostly small bursts of speed or rapid jerking and the best harm to the eyes and head. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Half Marathon:

If you are ready for it, then run in a half marathon. As mentioned earlier in this article, the half marathon is the best way to lose weight. Yes, it is tiring, punishing your body, but at the end of the day, it is a test of your willpower more than your body. But, if you complete the marathon, then be ready for the perfecte bounce and the same feeling as touching the sky.

Of course, in terms of calories, a marathon is a good option. You should train yourself for a marathon. You cannot expect to push your body into a limit without any training.

It requires several hours of running, burning countless calories in practice. Through its practice, you can expect more powerful results. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Include Strength Training In Your Exercise.

When effective dieting and targeted aerobic exercise are combined with strength training, this combination can help you “completely” lose weight, which is why many fitness experts call it.

Include it in your training program. If you start strength training, not only will you burn fat, but also with this fat, you become thin and will be attractive in muscles. Additionally, strength training has been proven to help burn calories from your muscles even after finishing the exercise.

When choosing exercises in strength training, remember to select a large muscle group. These exercises are included in this, but they are not limited to this, other activities can be adjusted other than these:

  • Do squats
  • Do front kick or front lunges
  • Exercise kettle-bell that burns fat in a minute
  • Practice squat thrusts with kickbacks.
  • Burpees
  • Queue up
  • Do pull-ups
  • Do push-ups exercises

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Method 6 – Try It All Together

  1. Do Not Be Disappointed If You Do Not Get Immediate Results:

Two months is a long time. Even if you are not able to lose 30 pounds in the end, you still have a lot of time to make a complete difference in your look and your experience.

As it is being said that many people want to see results immediately and when they cannot see then they get disappointed. They exercise for a week and are hardly able to shake the weight scale or scale. They think, “If there is no difference, then why should I punish myself like this?” And give up his goal.

This is called the plateau effect. To win this plateau effect, you need to vary your diet and exercise.

  1. Know That You Cannot Reduce The Weight Of Any Part Of The Body:

The remedies that tell you that you can only reduce your belly without losing weight anywhere else are called “spot reduction,” and spot reduction is complete Myths have been proved.

The body can and does break down fat from any part of the body for fuel, so do not expect that you can only reduce the fat in your stomach or thighs and Apart from this, fat will not be reduced anywhere. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

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  1. Drink More Water:

If you are serious about 30 pounds of weight loss, then you cannot accomplish this goal. Water is clean, full of freshness, adequate and most of all essential calorie-free, while other alternatives to water such as soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and other calorie drinks are not able to meet your goals in the end.

To feel full before meals, drink a glass of water immediately before meals. This will fill the extra space of your stomach with water, and you will eat less than you would on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that you have a nutritious diet so that you do not feel hungry for many hours. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Have A Complete Breakfast, All Lunch And A Light Dinner:

You must have heard the saying, “Have breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince and have dinner like a beggar.” Doing this will help your body to give its metabolism the right start and prepare it for the coming day.

Skipping breakfast means that you are asking your body to fast for 15-20 hours. When this happens, the body is unable to produce the necessary enzymes that effectively metabolize fat and makes you fail in your goal.

If you feel hungry, have a healthy, nutritious breakfast in between meals.

Take dinner as lightly as possible: Many people say that your metabolism slows down during the night, so it is tough for your body to digest large amounts of food during the night.

But there is no scientific evidence behind this suggestion, but it is an excellent reason to make the dinner light. The foods that are harmful to us at night are snacks, ice cream, candies, and other foods. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)

  1. Have Fun With Weight Loss Methods:

We all know that dieting can be a daily task, but if you have a chance to make it fun and rewarding, do it. Thus, make dieting a sport – challenge yourself to maintain your body at up to 1500 calories for 5 out of 7 days a week.

When you have completed this goal, reward yourself – if you keep your weight loss even after completing the first month, then reward yourself by shopping for it. Whatever you do, do it with fun, and by doing so, your body will pay itself. (How To Lose 14 Kg In Two Months)


Do not skip meals. Skipping meals makes it difficult to lose weight for a long time. Please eat 4 to 5 small meals a day and do not eat anything immediately before bed.

The most rewarding thing would be to say that you are tired. And now you have succeeded! Never let yourself lose in achieving the goal of a healthy and happy lifestyle. Keep following your plan continuously, and in this way, you will experience everything very well in the end.

The easiest way to stay motivated is to continually think about how you will look after losing your weight. If this does not work, then read some articles about the dress that you cannot wear yet.

Whenever you are discouraged, look at the pieces of clothing. It will motivate you to lose weight to wear your favorite dress and look smarter.

Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.





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