The possibility of always having something wrong with you, needless nervousness and worrying about small things can be a symptom of anxiety disorder. The awareness that was already practiced is the best way to protect from anxiety disorder.
Everything got messed up, now what will happen; I can’t understand anything, what to do. why does this always happen to me? Such things are going on in the minds of most of us at some time or the other.
There are some situations in life when even a strong-hearted person becomes anxious and fearful. This is bound to happen for a short time in difficult situations, but when a person has a habit of always living in anxiety or fear, then later this mood can change into a serious problem like anxiety disorder.
When the person has no control over such negative feelings and despite all efforts, symptoms appear for more than six months, then this problem can take the form of anxiety disorder.
What is the Reason of Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety, restlessness, fear of the future based on real or imaginary events which always affects physical and mental health. Although each person has different symptoms, permanent fear and anxiety are seen in almost everyone.
If these symptoms are not very severe, then they disappear with the passage of time; otherwise, the problem of anxiety disorder may occur. This affects the daily routine of the person.
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Why is there a problem of Anxiety Disorder
Nowadays, a large part of the young population of metros is struggling with this psychological problem. The busyness of people in modern lifestyle has increased so much that they are always in a hurry and the pressure of work on them is also very high.
For this reason, irritability and resentment are increasing in them. Also, in modern society, every person is single. No one has the time to listen to others. Therefore, the spirit of sharing is dying out among the people.
Urban society has become so individualistic and autistic that as of now, there is no support system of relatives or near-neighbors. Due to constant stress, loneliness, and living in sadness, people are falling prey to anxiety disorder.
According to studies, insomnia is caused by severe or prolonged stress. This creates an imbalance between the hormones released from the brain, which can cause an anxiety disorder. Heredity is also the main reason.
Types of Anxiety Disorders:
Sweden’s famous saying is, “Worry sometimes gives us a small thing; it’s the fear of growing up.”
This seems to be valid to some extent, also because anxiety disorder sometimes affects people in the same way. The fear of whatever does not happen, the person keeps wandering in mind.
Generalized Anxiety Disorders
People suffering from this disorder have a lot of nervousness and anxiety during various situations and events. Many times they are unable to control their discomfort.
His condition starts to deteriorate so much that he thinks that he is probably going to have a heart attack or he is going to die. This condition of the patient is not necessary at any particular time or situation. This can happen without any reason.
Obsessive Anxiety Disorders
People suffering from this disorder regularly get thoughts that increase their discomfort. They keep repeating the same kind of action to get relief from this situation. For example, if he finds that his hands have become dirty by touching someone, then he will continue to wash his hands or household utensils.
Social Anxiety Disorders
People suffering from social anxiety disorder are afraid to go to social or public events. They feel scared to go to society because they think that people will test them, and others will make fun of them.
They also fear that whatever they do will insult them and they will have to face embarrassment. Such people are not able to withstand everyday situations, such as speaking, talking, or eating in front of everyone.
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Phobias are irrational and unfounded fears, and people who have phobias try their best to avoid anxiety or nervousness to avoid objects or situations that cause unnecessary worry. Such as traveling in a plane, going from a crowded place to seeing spiders and tall buildings, they get scared.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Going through an incident of extreme suffering, torture or shock, watching it or any fatal attack on oneself can also turn into PTSD after some time. A person suffering from this problem does not sleep; he is not able to rest appropriately. He continually remembers old things again and again.
Panic Disorder:
In this problem, there is a problem of sudden fear of the patients. The patient feels dizzy. There is a problem in breathing, sweating too much. Some patients feel as if everything is going to be destroyed while some patients feel fear of their death. There is no specific reason for these problems. Even after this, the patient is continuously worried about their recurrence.
Specific Phobia
It is characterized by episodes of fear of a particular position or object such as flying or altitude. This fear can prevent you from doing day to day activities.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
The person suffering from anxiety remains in tension and fear, besides he cuts himself off from other people. He likes to be alone and thinks more about the things that make him sad.
Apart from shortness of breath and increased heartbeat, the person suffering from anxiety does not sleep and stays awake all night.
All the time, negative thoughts keep going in that mind.
The headache starts happening and does not feel like doing any work.
Diarrhea develops, and at times, the fever starts coming.
The mouth becomes dry, and the person becomes unconscious.
Change Habits in Anxiety Disorder
If you are fond of drinking too much coffee, then reduce it. Drinking too much caffeine increases heartbeat and can make a person feel nervous. Excessive coffee drinking can cause many problems, such as palms sweating, ringing ears, and very high heartbeat.
Irregular eating can also cause serious problems with anxiety. Many people skip breakfast in the morning or eat nothing throughout the day. Some go to sleep without eating, or some eat junk food.
All these habits not only weaken the body’s immunity but also increase the level of angst. Being hungry increases the stress level and lowers the blood sugar level. This causes anxiety.
Many people with anxiety do not sleep till late at night and allow stress to dominate themselves. This increasing stress also fires their remaining sleep. Then this stress does not leave you in the day. So don’t wake yourself up late at night. Make a routine and try and go to bed as soon as possible.
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What is the Harm of Anxiety Disorder
The personal and professional life of a person suffering from an anxiety disorder is severely affected. This disrupts his daily routine. He is unable to concentrate on any work.
The memory of such people becomes weak, and their married life is also stressed. Studies have also found that if women have an anxiety disorder, they soon come out of it, but in men, this problem takes a severe form, because their ego is not able to accept the challenge quickly.
Therefore, they do not even try to find a solution. If there is a prolonged problem, it can take the form of depression. In case of a more serious condition, the tendency of suicide in the person increases. Key features are:
- Physical weakness
- Remission reduction
- Continuous tense
- Decreased concentration, visible floating point in front of the eye
- Scare, fear and discomfort
- Negative thoughts not being controlled and scary dreams
- Insomnia
- Body temperature imbalance, sometimes cold of hands and feet and occasionally feeling like fever
- Heartburn
- Muscle tension
- Stomach ache
Prevention from Anxiety Disorder
Lifestyle Changes:
To get rid of anxiety, it is essential to improve the chaotic lifestyle. Eat at a regular time and also make a specific time to sleep and get up. Due to lack of sleep, the brain is unable to function to its full potential. Insomnia increases the risk of diseases such as anxiety and depression.
Psychotherapy is used for mental illnesses or emotional trauma. The mental state is studied by talking to the patient in detail. This helps the patient to adjust to the situation and calm the brain.
Get Social:
Human is a social animal. Good happy relationships are very important for human health. In recent research, it has been revealed that the more active people whose social life is, the less they are susceptible to mental illnesses.
Mind Control:
Learn to take time for yourself. Do not get entangled in everything, do the work that you are doing; Lower your expectations. Make practical goals by assessing your abilities. Set the priority of tasks. Avoid doing multiple tasks at once. Take 15 minutes of your day to introspect. Enjoy relationships.
Adopt routine because lack of sleep does not make the brain function at full capacity. Insomnia increases the risk of anxiety and depression.
Like the body, the brain also needs nutritious food. Therefore, fruits and green vegetables should be included prominently in your diet.
Perform regular exercises and yoga. Meditation is also beneficial to avoid this problem. This strengthens the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for memory, concentration, and reasoning.
If you ever face any difficulty in life, be confident.
Grow friendship with people and openly share your feelings.
Make practical goals by assessing your abilities. Set the priority of tasks. Avoid doing multiple tasks at once.
If you ever have anxiety about something, make a habit of facing it. Never try to avoid him, because the more the person tries to prevent such a mood, the faster the problem increases.
Try to solve such problems by dividing them into small pieces. It is not possible to answer them in a single day. So try with patience.
Maintaining the Diary regularly will also prove beneficial. Before going to bed every night, write in your diary in detail what worries or fears have troubled you the most throughout the day and what has been done on your part to overcome it. -Try to convince the man logically that this apprehension is unfounded.
Do not take any medicine from your mind to remove anxiety.
Stay away from caffeine and alcohol, because the consumption of such things increases anxiety.
Even after these efforts, if there is no improvement in mood, then any psychological counselor should be contacted.
Give up these habits if you have an anxiety disorder
If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, then change these habits as soon as possible. These habits are working to increase your confusion severely.
Irregular eating:
Skipping breakfast in the morning or eating nothing throughout the day or sleeping almost every night without eating anything or eating some junk food. This is a habit that weakens your body as well as your brain.
By staying hungry, you are increasing your stress level. Only balanced eating habits can solve many problems related to anxiety. Your blood sugar level falls when you are hungry for a long time, and because of this, your anxiety problem increases.
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Too much coffee:
Caffeine can make you feel nervous by increasing your heartbeat. For those who are already suffering from anxiety, coffee only serves to increase the problem further. Sweating in the palms, ringing of ears and speedy heartbeat, drinking too much coffee can cause you these problems.
Waking up late at night:
Many people with anxiety do not sleep till late in the night and let the stress over themselves, and this increased tension also blows away their remaining sleep.
Then this stress does not leave you in the day. So don’t wake yourself up late at night. Make a routine and try and go to bed as soon as possible. It is said that the time from 10 am to 4 am is perfect for sleeping.
Initially, you will not be able to sleep while lying in bed, but gradually when your schedule is made, then sleep will start.
Due to anxiety, people cut themselves off from the rest of the world, and most prefer to be alone. Being alone, they think about the things that are bothering them.
So don’t let yourself be isolated. Talk to friends, make new friends, talk to them, even if these things are only about your anxiety. Whatever you have in mind, discard it. The closer the relationship will be in your life, the farther away the anxiety will be from you.
Not exercising:
When we exercise, our body releases feel-good chemicals, which makes our brain and body feel better. And when we feel good, the anxiety will not be far away!
If the ignition is ignited, it can take the form of gm. This is a situation in which the person is afraid all the time that something wrong is going to happen. This is entirely different from a panic attack.
The symptoms of a panic attack are more fatal than that of anxiety attack. In an anxiety attack, one feels anxiety, fear, and restlessness all the time. The heartbeat intensifies, and the breath begins to swell. Therefore, do not take anxiety lightly and contact a doctor immediately.

Meet a Psychologist
There is a lack of awareness about mental diseases in our country. 90% of the patients never even go to the hospital for treatment. If you have been struggling with anxiety problem for a long time, do not avoid visiting a good psychiatrist or psychologist.
Treatment of any mental disease with drugs is called Pharmacotherapy. There are many effective medicines available in the market for the treatment of anxiety disorder. No medication should be taken without doctor’s advice.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.