Anxiety is such a feeling or experience, which sometimes and sometimes everyone feels. Attending an anxiety attack (or panic attack) can be quite dangerous, but by giving some guidance and some meditation, you can get relief from its symptoms, reduce anxiety to a great extent, and also in the future.
These anxiety attacks can prevent you from coming. This article will help you learn how to Calm Yourself During an Anxiety Attack.
If you have an anxiety disorder or clash with too high stress, that often forces you over the edge then you already notice how painful it can be to settle down during a panic attack. Once your mind starts running and your body overflows with dread, it can be hard to relax and take yourself back to reality.
Anxiety Attack
While a panic attack will develop in a few minutes all on its own ? and reminding yourself of that case can be moderate, in and of itself. There are again a few science-backed tricks you can investigate, to speed the transform along.
Because a panic attack is anything but pleasant, a panic attack is an immediate impulse of fear and distress that goes over and forces you to feel a loss of command and excessive worry.?
It can lead to symptoms such as nervousness of breathing, a pounding heart, tingling sensations in the body, vomit, sweating, and, indeed, a sense that you are going to die. (Even yet, that is not going to take place.)
If you have panic attacks frequently, you should seek the support of a doctor, so they can discuss the primary anxiety or panic disorder that?s creating them. And, in the meantime, do not ignore to give a few of these science-backed tips a try. They might be just what you desire to think better.
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How can I calm my anxiety fast?
Method 1 – Calming Yourself in the Moment
- “Grounding” is a method in which you calm yourself during the attack:
First, make a list of five things you can see, then four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and a thing you can taste.
- Take deep breaths:
If you are experiencing a panic attack, then you are likely to be over-expressed (hyperventilate or unknowingly breathing), in this case. Regardless of whether you are still, however, deep breathing will help in reducing stress, and at the same time, it will send oxygen to your brain, which will help you to meditate.
Whenever you feel that you have an attack, pause and lighten your breath. In the beginning, hold your breath and release slowly. This will help to reduce the feeling of over breathing.
Breathe from the nose for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Slowly exhale through your mouth for 5-6 seconds. Continue breathing slowly in this way until you feel the difference between relaxation in your muscles and your thoughts.
- Focus on your new senses:
During a panic attack, your thoughts will get confused. You will not feel so many emotions in a single moment, which will bring a “flood” of consciousness inside you.?
This is because your body has given your sympathetic nervous system “fight or run” mode, by putting your heart rate and breathing very high, by straining your muscles and stopping your blood flow instead of spending more time and paying attention to all your senses.
In this way, this process will help to change all the information in different parts, change the “automatic response” in your head, or the habit of reacting to stress in a different way.
Click Here To Read: 20 Ways to calm your mind – How to calm your mind
Try to devise anything that is happening with you without weighing it in the “right” or “false” scales. For example, you can do some such notice: “How fast my heart is beating. I am sweating in my arms. I feel like I’m going to vomit. “
Then, remind yourself of this, that all of these symptoms are symbols of concern. Do not say this to yourself that you have to “control” these symptoms – this can cause your panic to be even more fatal. Tell yourself, these are all temporary symptoms and go very soon.
While you are there, keep your list of sensitivities ready. With this, over time, your brain will help to realize that this situation is not as dangerous as it is.
Due to running away from the situation, another deep connection between the situation and the panic will be added to your mind. (anxiety attack)
- Try using cognitive diversions:
If you are in the middle of a panic attack, then try to separate your mind from that fear by using a different kind of mental deviation. For example, start the countdown at the difference of 100 to 3, start preparing the list of presidents according to the tenure, or start explaining the words of your favorite song or poetry. At that moment, force yourself to use one of these tricks (or some of these), until you get some quiet.
Keep in mind that you do not have to leave your mind completely because of the real reason behind that panic. From where you are, face your panic attack.?
Otherwise, you will teach yourself to look at that place or to look at the situation with fear, because of which you can get more attacks later. (anxiety attack)
- Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
It is a process to stress and relax every single muscle group in your body. It gives you two advantages, one gets your attention on something other than fear, and your muscles also relax. First, start with your face muscles, then do it till you move down until all the muscles in your body are relaxed.
Keep the muscle group under stress for 5-10 seconds, and then release the pressure. You can do it for a muscle group several times, but it will be enough to do it once.
Your jaw, your mouth (anxiety/relaxes), arms, hands, stomach, your hip, thighs, pelvis, and feet are included in the Major muscle group that can tension and relaxes you.
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What does an anxiety attack feel like?
Method 2 – Managing Your Anxiety
- Accept your concern:
Though you have to reduce the anxiety, you feel, but do not entirely ignore it. Ignoring any feeling or suppressing them makes them even more powerful and more fear-inspiring. Accept the fact that you are scared, and there are some “right” or “wrong” in you to experience this way. (anxiety attack)
- Try “Stop and Replace”:
This is the process in which you stop the anxiety-developing spirit inside you and replace them with any idea that makes you feel happy or peaceful.?
With this, you save the same thing from being chanted, which is such a process, in which your broken-minded thoughts get stuck in a bicycle, from which you do not stop thinking about anything.
As such, maybe you are worried about your upcoming air travel, and you are not able to stop yourself from thinking about what is going to happen to you, perhaps you get crashed. First of all, either by crying out loud or by saying “wait” inside your mind, focus on yourself.
Click Here To Read: 20 Ways About How to Calm Yourself During an Anxiety – Attack
Then, replace it with a positive or peaceful thing. For example, you keep thoughts like the place for these ideas, the holidays you spend with your best friends, and how much fun you’ll enjoy next.
To be able to work properly with this tectonic, it will need to be repeated many times, so be patient and be kind to you.
This technique will not work because, during the panic attack, you will not get any clear idea or any ideas related to it. But this will help you to manage the general sense of concern. (anxiety attack)
- Use guided imagery:
Guided imagery will help you to relax and reduce the feeling of anxiety.
Think of a place where you feel calm and relaxed; It may be your home, a favorite vacation spot, or living with your loved one.
When you think of this place, then add some interesting details associated with the scene of that place, so that you can focus all your attention to feel it.?
Try to do this by opening or closing your eyes, though closed eyes make this process much more comfortable. Think about what you can see, smell, listen, and taste in your safe place.
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Whenever you feel the symptoms of anxiety, start thinking about this safe place. Try to feel calm and relaxed in the spots you have prepared. When you feel more comfortable, then you can come out of your imagination.
You can also ask yourself some questions. Is this true and current threat? You will use statements like “How to do it,” here and there will be trouble about something that has not happened so far.?
Feel that you are afraid, but you are not in any danger. Separating the threat from any situation will help you to relax. (anxiety attack)
- Write down your feelings:
If you feel too much panic attack or worry, then prepare a diary, in which you can write everything about your feelings. What do you think, what is scared of, what thoughts and opinions you have towards that fear, and how secure your experience is, write them all??
Writing them will help you to focus on your thoughts, and because of the things you have written or felt about things, it will help you to handle the worry better.
In the beginning, you will feel that there is nothing for you to speak. Keep checking about the situation, which caused you to feel anxiety.
As you learn to pause yourself and think about that situation, then you will also be able to catch your thoughts and feelings, which caused you to worry.
When you are writing in a diary, keep your compassion towards yourself. Do not judge your thoughts and yourself. Remember: it is not necessary that you can not control your emotions and feelings, and none of these feelings are “right” or “wrong.” You can only control your responses.
- Keep your body in mind:
Due to your physical health, your mental health will also be correct. Your “anxieties” will not end with the habit of some healthier exercises and proper diet, but they will help you manage them. (anxiety attack)
Exercise a peak:
By keeping your body active, primarily through Aerobic exercises, endorphins are released, which are responsible for increasing the feeling of peace and happiness inside you.
Stay away from stimulants.
Some stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine, may make you irritable and upset, and at the same time, they make your current concern even worse. Some people mistakenly make such a false impression that smoking their nerves Quiet, but this is not true.?
Due to dependency on nicotine, if you do not get the full amount of it, it increases the feeling of stress and anxiety inside you, and smoking is harmful to your health.
Take a Balanced Diet.
No such “magical food” has been found so far, which can stop or reduce the feeling of anxiety. However, eating non-consumed processed foods and high-sugar foods, and eating plenty of lean protein, whole grains such as complex carbohydrates, fresh fruit and vegetables can help. (anxiety attack)
- Keep doing something:
Keep sitting in a place, and constantly worrying about your anxiety can make your situation worse, as well as control your panic and make it worse.?
Try to wander your mind and body while doing a task. Clean up, draw, talk to a friend, and do all the work that can keep you busy. If possible, do any such action which you enjoy as a hobby.
Take a shower.
According to studies, people have found quite comfortable and relaxing results of hot water and physical warming. Bathwater mix with some drops of lemon juice, few drops of Jasmine or Lavender oil. The peaceful effects of all the essential oil have been seen.
- Use Music Therapy:
Make a playlist of some songs that you listen or who get pleasure from listening to you. Then whenever you feel anxious, at that time you can listen to these songs to relax. If possible, use the noise-cancellation headphones to keep your full attention focused only on music.?
When you hear it pays attention to the different parts, sounds, and songs that are played in it. This will help in removing your mind from thinking about fear.
If possible, listen to slow beats (about 60 beats in 1 minute) and songs with relaxing speakers (or unbaked). Fast beats and angry songs filled with anger can increase your stress even further. (anxiety attack)
- Ask for help from a friend:
If you are anxious about worry and are unable to get out of it, then in this way, call your friend or family member for help. Let them help you get rid of your panic feelings and at the same time, try to understand your fear with their help so that you can overcome the stress.?
If you encounter panic attacks too much, then train a friend about various means of treatment so that he can know how to help you when needed.
How to cure panic attacks fast?
Method 3 – Seeking Professional Help
- Come together with a therapist:
If you are coming too deep and deadly panic attacks for a while, then come along with your local mental health professional for therapies and advice. You may have panic disorder or more generalized anxiety disorder, both of which can be treated by a trained professional.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy/ CBT is a widespread and effective treatment for anxiety disorder. This type of therapy focuses on teaching you to think and change the ineffective methods of thinking and reacting to the situations.
By which time, in your opinion, your thoughts are not being matched according to need, and in any situation, the helpful ways of thinking and reacting will be understood.
In some cases, if the rest of the way you can control your panic does not work properly, then in this way, your physician or cyclist may also give you prescription medicines. (anxiety attack)
- Talk to your doctor:
Finding a Licensed Mental Health Professional is difficult in some communities, especially when your salaries are low, or you have a qualified insurance plan.?
As every medical doctor can not give you psychotherapy – this is only the work of a cyclist – they can also diagnose any illness inside you, such as anxiety or depression, and advise you for medicines.
Family doctors can also provide the address of the Mental Health Provider in your area.
- Find community clinics or other resources:
If you think that you do not have the scope for therapies, then search for work-expenses in your community to find alternatives. There are many types of options that you can get.
You can get Mental Health Treatment in a center prepared by a union through a fund. You can also look for such centers online according to your area.
Ask about the sliding scales from the therapist. Some therapists and clinics offer a “sliding fee scale”, which means that your fees will depend on your salary.
Many colleges and universities also offer the Mental Health Service. Sometimes these are reserved for students, but some major universities offer community clinics, in which students who are trained, provide service to you under the supervision of professional people. Such clinics are quite cheap. (anxiety attack)
How to identify panic attack?
Method 4 – Identifying a Panic Attack
- Check the physical symptoms:
Anyone can be a panic attack, but it is more likely to have people who have a panic disorder, have an anxiety disorder, in which they may feel very anxious or scared.?
They can emerge not just by any dangerous or scary situation, but due to any circumstances. The physical symptoms of a panic attack include these symptoms:
- Pain in the chest It often happens at one place in your body, not like a heart attack, on the left side of the body.
- Dizziness or unconsciousness.
- Nausea or vomiting Contrary to heart attack, there may be less vomiting in the panic attack.
- Feeling numbness or a strange feeling.
- Sharp beats.
- Shortness of breath.
- Sweating, sticky skin, or heat.
- Vibrate or shudder.
- Check other symptoms of an anxiety attack:
In addition to physical symptoms, panic attacks often come with different emotions. These include:
- Too much scared
- Fear of death
- Fear of losing control
- Feeling of destruction
- A Feeling of isolation
- Sense of inequality
- Identify the differences between Panic Attack and Heart Attack:
Symptoms of a panic attack and heart attacks often match in some ways. If you are suspicious about whether you have a panic attack or heart attack, then call immediately for any Emergency Medical Help. In the symptoms of heart attacks, these include:
Chest pain In a heart attack, this feeling is often suppressed, very full, or just like you are being suppressed. This often lasts for more than a few minutes.
Pain in the upper part of the body A heart attack can cause pain in your arms, neck, jaw, or part of the stomach.
- Shortness of breath It feels before the chest pain.
- You will suddenly feel the feeling of fear or destruction.
- Dizziness or unconsciousness
- Sweat.
Nausea or vomiting, there is a possibility of more vomiting against a panic attack in the heart attack.
- Identify the difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack:
There is a feeling of tension in everyone’s mind and even anxiety at one time. However, for some people, this sense of worry gives birth to a situation, such as providing a big test or making a critical decision.?
When this situation is settled, then this anxiety is also forgotten. People with anxiety disorders often have a sense of anxiety as compared to other people.
Panic attacks often reach the highest limit within 10 minutes, although some symptoms persist for more time. Some common stress or anxiety symptoms last for a long time, but they are not much stimulated.
There is no particular reason for a panic attack. It can come anytime, for any reason. (anxiety attack)

Advice in Panic Attack
Chamomile can help some people feel calm and relaxed. However, some people are also allergic to it and may also come in contact with your medicine. So, it would be better to consult your doctor before using chamomile.
If you come in a panic attack late in the night, then walk fast in the room and drag the breaths in-depth and leave it.
Exercise every day, learn some relaxation texts, which can reduce your stress and sleep for a long time. Sleep is an essential thing for people with anxiety, which they should never ignore.
Regardless of whether this may be quite clear to some people, but always remember one thing that your family will always be with you to give you love, care for you and support you. Never talk about talking to them about your problems, even if it is so strange.
If you have come to a panic attack, do not try to sleep in between, because so much stress can make sleeping even more difficult for you. If you are trying to relax before sleeping (with a deep breath), relax and take proper sleep, both of these texts, gradually being able to calm you down to a great extent.
Try to make a list of some things (your favorite songs, movies, etc.) or count it or elaborate the alphabets. This will help your mind take you away from worry and will also focus your attention on the other side.
Aromatherapy can also be helpful in the middle of panic attacks. Whenever you feel stress, white noise can also help you stay calm.
If you use mindfulness or chanting garland, it can prove to be very helpful during panic attacks, such as you can use them to calm yourself and turn your thoughts on some side. (anxiety attack)
If you have frequent attacks, then it would be appropriate to look for professional help in such a hurry. Delaying your treatment will make your problem bigger.
If you do not understand the difference between having an anxiety attack or having a heart attack on your attack, then it would be best to think about taking medical help in the emergency.
How to help someone suffering a panic attack
Having a friend or loved one experiencing a panic attack can be terrifying. Their breathing may become abnormally rapid and shallow; they could become light-headed or dizzy, shiver, sweat, felt nauseous or felt they have a heart attack.?
No matter how irrational you think, their panicked response to a situation. It is vital to remind that the uncertainty seems very positive to your loved one.?
Simply telling them to calm down or decreasing their fear would not help. But by encouraging your loved one to move out of a panic attack, you can promote them felt less scared of any subsequent attacks.
Stay calm yourself. Being calm, non-judgmental, and understanding will help your loved one’s panic subside quicker.
Focus your loved one on their breathing. Find a peaceful place for your partner to relax and later advise them to take slow, deep breaths for a couple of minutes.
Start doing something physical. Together, lift and lower your arms or stamp your feet. It can push to burn off some of your loved one?s stress.
Get your partner out of their brain by requesting them to list five things around them or talking lightly about a shared interest.
Encourage your loved one to request help. Once the anxiety attack is over, then your loved one may feel annoyed about taking an anxiety attack in front of you. Reassure them and strengthen them to offer help for their anxiety attack.
Note: Depression Cure does not provide any type of medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.