Upleap Review Genuine Game Changer We Were Looking For
To most, Upleap needs no introduction. Upleap has taken the social media game by storm recently, making waves among other social media fanatics such as ourselves. Nevertheless, it’s probably time to look into their service in depth.
Here’s our Upleap review, let us know what you think by dropping a comment! Just interested in our final ratings? Skip through to the end to see our SUE Score rating.
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Upleap Review ? At First Glance
When you first hit the site, you’re confronted with a few claims. Upleap mentions they’ll help you grow your Instagram faster with a dedicated account manager. Upleap also says they’ll help you:
- Increase your Engagement
- Grow Your Reach
- Increase Your Followers
Then you’re confronted with a pretty big sign up button. Cool, those claims are pretty boisterous so we looked into their approach a little more. Their site is pretty slick, so we’re not too sure what to think. At this stage, we feel pretty good about the service, albeit a little skeptical. When you look a little more into how it actually works, it’s very clear that Upleap does four things.
First, you’re assigned an account manager that helps you grow your Instagram for you. We really did get an account manager and spoke to her via support (more on that later). Second, your account manager likes posts on your behalf.
How your account manager chooses posts is something we’ll cover in the next section. Your Instagram account manager also views Instagram stories for you, which is something we’ve not really heard a growth service do before.
Lastly, we read on their site that you are put into an engagement pod to help boost your engagement on Instagram. This was corroborated by their support (which we’ll cover at the end of our review).

We Signed Up Before Deciding To Do An Upleap Review
Signing up was easy and took about a few seconds and we didn’t even plan on reviewing Upleap at the time. We were worried about setting up our account and talking to our account manager.
From what we can tell, Upleap streamline your sign up.
This means that you let your account manager know what your account is about and what types of followers you’re looking for:
- You let Upleap know what your account is about by providing a description
- Upleap lets you specify your hashtags for every account that you sign up.
- You also specify what accounts are similar to yours.
- Upleap Review of how it works

Providing a Description for your Upleap Manager
This part is relatively straightforward. When you sign up for Upleap, you need to add an Instagram account for them to manage. We added our Instagram account and was assigned an account manager named Sarah.
Then, we added a description, stating we wanted more people who were interested in Instagram, Snapchat, and social media news.
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When we added hashtags I was thinking wait, what for Why should I have to add hashtags if I’ve just provided a description of my account
Then I realized you add relevant hashtags so that the account manager has a good starting point. I particularly cared about what types of posts we were liking (you know protecting our brand identity). I ended up using very general hashtags like #socialmedia and #socialmediastrategy.
Specifying Similar Accounts
I was told by my account manager (through a support ticket) that the most powerful way to grow our account was by targeting the followers of similar Instagram users. That said, I added social media news accounts similar to SUEVU.
A quick disclaimer: I didn?t try ?too hard? with my targeting, just adding whatever sprung to mind. I found out after subscribing that your account manager updates your targeting for you to get you better results. I can verify that yes ? we did see better results when our Instagram manager started updating our targeting.
Upleap Review Results ? 85 Followers To 3000 Followers
We spent a good four months using their service on one of our test accounts, which had a meager 80 followers before we started. Within 2 months, we?d gone from 80 followers to over 3000 followers.
I for one was incredibly happy with these numbers because for the most part, account engagement skyrocketed, and I?d say about 90% of our followers were real. While there were a few bots following us, I did actively ?purge? them by blocking. Here?s a snapshot of what our dashboard looked like for suevusocial:

Now, you’ll notice a few things:
- I only posted 2 photos
- Growth was pretty consistent on a daily basis
That said, posting 2 photos in a timespan of 3 months is really bad on my part. I think with good content we would?ve seen even better growth. But it was a test account for the purpose of an Upleap review. And I did rush the little content that we pushed out. Also, we did a few Instagram stories and a live video.
Growth was consistent, but there were one or two days where we lost a few followers. This is because some people follow/unfollow regularly, so we did expect this to happen.
Overall though, I was very happy with the rate at which we grew (I didn?t even expect this type of growth).
Upleap’s Support Team Is An Awesome Bonus
The absolute biggest bonus experience I had with Upleap were their support team. So you can?t actually speak to your account manager directly. At first I thought this wasn?t useful. I asked their customer success manager Mia, why I couldn?t just talk to my account manager:
To make sure that our account managers can focus on their main task of growing your account, we forward all requests and streamline any of your concerns and updates through our dedicated support team. This makes your account manager more efficient and lets them prioritize your account growth.
For the price we were paying, I can?t say this was a problem. Personally I didn?t expect to talk to my account manager every day, otherwise why would I outsource my Instagram growth?
I was told that each account manager handles around 5 Instagram accounts a day, so imagine if they had Skype calls with everyone!
I sent about 10 tickets over a 3 month period. Every ticket was replied to within a few days in a kind, appropriate way. I think a lot of us that?s looking for Instagram growth from an external service just wants to be taken care of. I have to say, Upleap did take care of me very well and addressed my concerns promptly. No complaints.

You Can Sign Up For A Free Trial
You can sign up to Upleap for free with a 3-day, no-commitment free trial. We didn?t even add any payment details until our trial period was finished.
They have a $39, $69, and $99 as their pricing tiers, which should be affordable to most businesses and budding influencers.

So if you are really looking to get more Instagram followers, I would definitely recommend Upleap. They?re good at what they do and were transparent whenever I reached out to them. I?ve read a few other reviews to see if my experience matched other clients, here?s one from Macy if you?re still sat there undecided. Good luck!